Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Twelfth Year - Number  (Missing)
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 13, 1902
Classified Ads.


       A fine cotton farm of 120 acres (102 in cultivation) on Blude Ridge on which is a nice residence of 5 rooms, good tenant house, barn, stable, etc. two wells good wells and 8 acres in Bermuda pasture.  At the present time for rent.                          I. N. Clark, Reagan, Texas

       I have the Dr. Rice Bay mare for sale at a sacrifice.  See me at once.                                              C. Smith.
FOR SALE--A farm consisting of 150 acres, 28 in cultivation, five room house, good barn and fine orchard; located 2 1/2 miles
east of Welborn in Brazos county.  For further information
apply to J. B. Laski, Marilin (sic) Texas
STRAYED--One dun horse mule, brand, the picture of a hat, with black stripe down back.  Strayed about October. Will pay
$5.00 for his recovery.
H. G. Carter


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas