Typed as spelled - Lena Stone Criswell






Sixtieth Year - Number 127

Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, August 31, 1960


Looking for Something?

Look To the want ads


TV and RADIO SERVICE - We use RCA Tubes.  We service all makes.  Day, Night and Sundays.  Guaranteed.  We give Gold Bond Stamps.

LEWIS MUSIC COMPANY - Phone  WE6-3041     3-28-d-swtf


FOR SALE - C Tractor in good condition.  Good rubber.  See RAYMOND BROWN, East Park Street, Marlin, Texas  8-18-12td-itsw


$3.93 SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN Pen for only 98c.  Double Gold Bond Stamps with all school supplies.  SANITARIUM DRUG STORE, Fast, Free Delivery. Phone WE6-3541    8-11-d-swtf


DUKE 7 AYRES has the complete list of school supplies.  Come in and get your required list filled now!  8-11-d-swtf


FREE MILK SHAKE - With $2 purchase of school supplies.  SANITARIUM DRUG STORE.  Fast, free deliveries.  PHONE WE6-3541.


FOR SALE - 6-room house, corner lot, at 1001 Clark Street.  See OWNER at this address.    8-23-d-sw-tf


BLACK INDELIBLE LAUNDRY marking ball point pens for marking linens, clothing.  Identify against loss or misplacement.  Will not wash out, dry clean out or bleach out.  Only 59c each.  Easy to use, long service.  THE DEMOCRAT OFFICE.



FOR SALE - Combine run Mustang See Oats.  $1 bushel, at barn.  See LOUIS NEUMAN, Phone WE6-2862.   8-27-6td-2tsw


FILL YOUR HUNTING requirements at PYLAND'S, 116 Live Oak.  Biggest stock of guns and rifles in Falls County and complete stock of shells, game bags, recoil pads, gun cases, and hunting accessories of all kinds.  PYLAND'S--116 Live Oak.



WE DO GENERAL REPAIR on all makes of sewing machines, with free estimates on jobs.  We also sell new and used machines.  BOB ROCHELLE. PHONE WE6-2649, Marlin      8-29-12td-4tswp


PASTURE TO RENT - 237 acres cultivated land and 29 acres pasture, close to Marlin.  Contact M. L. BRIDGEWATER, 307 Williams St., Marlin 8-30-2tsw-5td


FOR RENT - House on 717 Gift Street. Phone WE6-2438        8-24-dtf


FOR RENT - Furnished duplex 4 rooms and bath apartment at 709 Chambers. Phone

WE6-2458   8-26-6td.


FOR SALE - 5 Room house newly redecorated and wall-to-wall carpeting, at 721 Capps Street.  Phone WE6-4361.  MIKE MEUSE   8-1-DTF


FOR SALE - Lot 100 by 175 feet at corner Park and Harris streets.  See RAYMOND BROWN, East Park Street, Marlin, Texas   8-18-12td


FOR SALE - Clean inside and out, 2 bedroom house.  Fenced shady yard. Near V.A. Hospital.  Assume loan.  Phone WE6-3321    8-27-dtf


MARY LOU'S KINDERGARTEN opening September 1, at 1111 Gift Street, three days a week for $7.50 a month.  Call R. K. Douglass   8-29-5td.


WANTED - By well qualified teacher, a job teaching arithmetic, with an outstanding state record, MRS. A. C. DUNN, PHONE WE6-2177, Marlin   8-30-2td-Itsw


NOTICE - Smith's Marlin-Inn will be closed for two weeks' vacation.  Open again September 13th.  We wish to thank our customers for their courtesies.  SMITH'S MARKET-INN, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.                 8-30-5td-p


DOVE HUNTERS - Let us help you get started right.  We have a fresh shipment of Remington shotgun shells for the opening of the season, September lst.  We will issue your new hunting and fishing licenses.  We are open evey day, 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. to serve your needs.  TOLER'S GROCERY AND MARKET, 516  Live Oak Street, Phone WE6-3131    8-30-4td-1tsw


FOR RENT - 2 Bed room unfurnished apartments and redecorated at 421 Chambers Street. Phone WE 6-2655, MRS. OSCAR TORBETT.   8-30-3td.


FOR SALE - Used Windows complete with screens.  Also one door.  Cheap. Phone WE 6-2655, MRS. OSCAR TORBETT.  8-30-3td.


FOR SALE - Beautiful Universal natural gas range with timer and other features, only $80, excellent condition, worth more.  Can arrange for free moving and connecting if gas outlet is available.  Phone WE 6-2014   8-30-5td-1tsw.


FOR RENT or LEASE - nice 7-room residence, modern conveniences and 50 acres of land on good paved road.  $50 per month.

FOR SALE - 60 acres of land near Lott, Texas.

FOR SALE - 50 acres or less near Bremond, Texas.

FOR SALE - 110 acres near Cego, Texas, good black land.  U. S. JANES, at Pyland's Office Supply, 116, Live Oak Street, Marlin   8-37-3td-1tsw


WANTED - Part time woman cook and waitress.  Apply MAJESTIC HOTEL GRILL.  Call after 3:30 p.m.   8-36-2td-p


FOR RENT - Small house, unfurnished.  CALL  we6-2933.   8-31-dtf


NEED FARM WORKERS - Good house, good equipment, good land.  HAL HARTRICK.  Rt. 2 Temple, Texas at Little River.  Phone VU 2-2792    8-31-6TD-2TSW


HELP WANTED - FEMALE - Strong, healthy, cheerful, white woman to live in, cook and housekeep for semi-invalid and her nurse.  Room and board, and $20 per week.  One day off.  References required.  Write MRS. T. H. JORDAN, Mart, Texas.



STRAYED -  White and black spotted Setter Bird Dog.  Has leather collar with name Tom.  Phone information to Chester Tate.  WE-6-4333.     8-30-3td.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Tx.