Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Eighteenth Year - Number 33
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, September 14, 1907
Briefly Told.
Linton J. Davis, cashier of the First National Bank of Quanah is spending a few
days in the city, having just returned from a visit to his parents at
There was one plea of guilty entered in the county court Tuesday. H. F.
Smith for aggravated assault was fined $25 and costs for the court.
F. W. Mays, a visitor, figured in a runaway on Winter street Wednesday afternoon
which came very near costing him his life. Coming from behind the
Arlington Hotel the horse ran against the corner of the building causing the
buggy to turn on its side and throwing Mr. Mays to the ground, landing on his
neck and shoulder. He remained unconscious for some time, after which it
was found that he was not badly injured.
G. A. Pringle, goes to Rosebud this week to be ready to take up his school work
as superintendent of the school there.
Melton Webb, charged with malicious mischief was fined $1.00 and costs in the
justice court today on a plea of guilty.
Call to see us or phone us your orders....
Phone 26
Our Desire Is To Please You.
Lumber - Company
The sheriff's department arrested, Wednesday, Will Frazier, escaped convict from
Limestone county. He was found secreted in the bushes near his mother's
house north of town.
A small child of Mr. and Mrs. Russell was run over by a buggy occupied by two
ladies Tuesday evening in front of Maybell Inn. The child was not
seriously hurt.
Surveyor R. S. Hunnicutt says he is not inclined to accept the resignation
tendered to him by the city council, as the supervisor of the city water works
dam construction. Mr. Hunnicutt says that he does not understand why the
council accepted it before he had presented it. In fact, says he had no
idea of abandoning the job and has not done so. He is somewhat puzzled to
understand the meaning of it all.
Shortly after the clock had thrown ten Thursday Judge Dashiel was summoned to
perform the marriage of Miss Kate Parker and J. C. Alcorn in the county clerk's
office. Both contracting parties are residents of this Chilton community.
Many friends witnessed the impressive ceremony and extended congratulations to
the happy couple.
Sam Bykowsky.
Longest in business in Marlin of any other Jeweler.
Knows the business from A to &c. Has recently returned
from New York with a large line of
new and first class Jewelery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware,
Souvenir Goods, etc.
Want you to examine this line before purchasing.
Our line of Cut Glass is especially fine and all will be
sold at close prices.
Guaranteed reliable and first class in every particular.
Fine Diamonds at close prices.
Repairing Watches, Clocks and
Jewelry a Specialty
My motto is "Live and Let Live."
North Side Live Oak Street.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas