Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham
The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 11, 1904
Briefly Told
W. H. Criswell of Mart was in the
city Tuesday on Business. Mr. Criswell stated that the rain had put a new
feeling in the people of that community and that they were pushing ahead with a
determination to succeed this year.
Geo. G. Slater and W. L. Falconer are preparing to
plant thirty acres in Irish potatoes on the Falconer farm near Marlin.
They have secured improved seen and are storing them in the building formerly
occupied by the Marlin National Bank.
Eugene Wyche, who has been with the Wells Fargo Express
Co, in Marlin for several months has been transferred to Houston and placed in
the messenger service, running out of Houston. G. W. Buchanan succeeds
Eugene as driver for the express company here.
Dr. Outlaw of New Orleans is here on a visit to his
uncle T. B. Ellsberry.
Mrs. Nettie Stoner of Temple is here for the benefit of
her health.
Mrs. E. C. Smith has returned after a visit to her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keigwin.
Dr. S. D. Davison of Reagan was among the visitors to
Marlin Monday.
Permits to wed:C F. Mitchell and Julia Williams, A. V.
Woodland and Arres Adwards.
W. D. Thomas announces in this issue as candidate for
tax collector of Falls county.
Sheriff Greer has found John Henry Bell for whom he has
long been looking. John Henry was wanted on a capias profine.
The operation performed on Geo. M. Herring for
appendicitis on Monday afternoon was apparently very successful. The
patient stood the operation nicely and shows no bad effects from the same.
This is very pleasing to the physicians, who recognized the attack as a serious
one from the start. He is doing well today.
In justice court Billie Hunnicutt was fined one dollar
and costs on a charge of disturbing the peace. Two cases against Bettie
Carter in same court were dismissed.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Jolly have returned from Odds, in
Limestone county, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClelland, at
their delightful home.
For Sale -- Good phaeton, used but little. Light
and easy running. A bargain. T. K. Barton
A. M. Kennedy of Mart announces in this issue as a
candidate for flotorial representative of the district composed of McLennan,
Falls and Limestone.
The annual reports made at the last meeting show that
the Ladies Aid Society of the First Baptist church raised $460 the last twelve
months for the various objects assisted by them.
Judge W. E. Hunnicutt and commissioners Burke, Morgan
and Rector have returned from Fort Worth where they attended the meeting of the
County Judges and Commissioners association.
Dr. S. D. Davison of Reagan was among the
visitors to Marlin Monday.
W. D. Thomas, announces in this issue as a candidate
for tax collector of Falls county.
Sheriff Greer found John Henry Bell for whom he has
long been looking. John Henry was wanted on a capias profine.
Dr. B. C. Morgan of Perry announces in this issue as a
candidate for re-election as commissioner of this precinct.
Dr. L. P. Robertson, dentist has moved his office to
the second floor of the Donohoo building.
Hon. G. W. Riddle, president of the First National bank
of Rosebud was a Marlin visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson and Mr.s A. W. Flinn of
Reagan were here Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Herring.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stitt of Temple came in Thursday to
remain several days for the baths. Mr. Stitt has a severe attack of
The rainfall Friday was 1:07 inches, sufficient to put
a splendid season in the ground and replenish cisterns and tanks considerably.
In this issue of the Democrat will be found the
announcement of S. O. Kelly for county treasurer subject to the action of the
democratic party.
George Rosenthal, the well known cotton mane, has
returned from a visit to Waco. "Rosey" says the wager of his that July
cotton will not sell for 20 cents still holds good.
The horse that draws Well Fargo express wagon got "gay"
Monday afternoon and tried himself at sprinting. He ran about half a mile
but no serious damage resulted.
The beueau report places the total number of bales at
9,485,537 up to Jan. 16. Prominent bull operators had estimated it at
about 9,300,000 and the market took another tumble of 100 points on receipt of
Dr. G. P. Reeves wants his friends to remember that he
is in the race of re-election as collector for state and county taxes and that
he will appreciate their support.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.