Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year   Number 165
Marlin Texas, Thursday, November 12, 1931

Briefly Told

       Joe Kanewski underwent an operation in Marlin Wednesday.

       S. S. Pakowski of Dallas underwent an operation in Marlin today.

       Mrs. Frank Greer, who has been ill recently, is reported improving.

       Miss Anita Dillard of Hearne underwent an operation in Marlin this morning.

       Miss Olga Louise Arnold underwent an appendicitis operation at a Marlin institution this morning.

       Miss Vivian Penny, injured in an automobile mishap recently, underwent a blood transfusion operation at a Marlin hospital Wednesday afternoon, Miss Ola Mae Sypert supplying the blood.

       Luther Powell, who suffered an early season shoulder injury as a member of the Bluefield (West Virginia) College football team, of which Mullie Lenoir, formerly of Marlin, is coach, has returned home.

       Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Turner of Webster are visiting in Marlin, coming over from Groesbeeck where Mrs. Turner spoke at the American Legion Armistice Day celebration and conferred crosses upon a number of veterans.

       Punch and cake were served.  Marlin firemen Tuesday evening by Mesdames J. C. Hensley, R. C. Bradberry and Rudolph Sontag in appreciation of work done in curbing a fire in the drying room of the Economy Cleaners' plant located in the Bluebonnet hotel building.

       Senator and Mrs. Tom Connally plan to leave Saturday for Washington, D. C., where he goes for the opening of congress in December.  Miss Ima Morgan, a member of the senator's secretarial staff, who has been in Marlin during the summer, also will return to Washington.

       "A short play by members of the Waco Rotary club under the direction of Miss Frances Drake will be a feature of the Rotary Club luncheon Friday,"  Secretary A. H. Snead said today.  "Members are urged to be present at this interesting meeting."


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for posting by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.