Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 50
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 13, 1907
Briefly Told.

       Mr. Hartman, the gentleman who recently figured in a sensational slide down a nine story elevator shaft in Dallas, was here Monday afternoon, having come down account the death of Louis Reuwer, a brother-in-law of his.  Mr. Hartman escaped the elevator accident with his life which is considered miraculous owing to the circumstances surrounding the descent.


       Mayor S. J. Ward of Rosebud is in the city on business.


       Permits to wed were granted Saturday afternoon to
       Jerry Gray and Letha Foreman;
       Alvin Hoelscher and Christine Ranley.


       Miss Lois Hunnicutt has returned fro(m) San Antonio where she attended the Quebedeaux-Stephenson wedding.


       Phil Carroll was assed (sic) a fine and costs amounting to $16.00 in justice court Monday afternoon on the charge of assault on Bob Soders, another negro.


       A negro youth named Perryman was landed behind the bars by special Deputy W. P. Marlin on a charge of carrying a pistol.  The negro gave bond and was released Monday.


       Some excitement was caused at 1:30 Saturday on the Frank corner by two veterans--one of the Confederate and one of the Federal, becoming involved in a dispute.  One blow was passed, but no serious damage resulted.  Quite a crowd collected and listened to the disputants.  Soon the war clouds disappeared and the crowd moved on.


       Frank Peacock has let the contract for a new and up to date awning to extend along the south and west fronts of his building on the square.  The awning will be similar to that erected by Rush, Gardner & Bartlett Co. and will add a great deal in comfort and appearance.  It would be a long step forward if the owners of other buildings could see their way clear to adopt the same improvements.

Ladies ' Bazar (sic)

       From Nov. 18 to 24, a bazar (sic) will be held in the tailor shop of D. Adam, Marlin, by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Greman (probably should be German) M. E. Church. 50-w&s.

Money to Loan.

       On land and vendors' lien notes, long time and a reasonable rate of interest.  In amounts of $1000 and up.  See me before you make your arrangements.       W. A. Patrick     40-8w


       The committee representing the Eagles lodge now being formed in Marlin will probably secure the hall over Peacock's on the southeast corner of the square for a lodge room.  The hall will be renovated and refitted and made an attractive lodge room.  The membership will be composed of 50, at the beginning, that being the number required.


       Not being satisfied with the colossal industrial enterprise--the pipe line from the Indian Territory to Port Arthur, the Guffey Oil Company will cover Cuba with similar enterprise for the purpose of distributing oil for fuel and illuminating purposes.


       The telegraphers' strike is practically suspended and the men are returnign to work.  The managers of the telegraph lines say that it will be a few days before a full adjustment of forces will be made, but they have intimated that old operators will be reinstated.


       Cover your horse with one of those fine covers you can get at Barton Bros. from $1.00 to $5.00     206-tf.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas