Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty First Year - Number 58
Marlin, Texas,  Thursday, July 9, 1931

Briefly Told

There will be a rehearsal of the Episcopal choir tonight at eight o'clock.

         Falls county demonstration clubs will hold an all-day rally, featured by a basket lunch, at the Marlin County Club Friday.

A. C. Dunn, reading clerk of the Texas house of representatives, leaves early next week for Austin to attend the special session of the legislature slated to convene there at noon Tuesday, July 14.  Mrs. Dunn will join him in Ausitn later.

P. H. Van Pelt left today for Houston in response to a message saying Dudley Davis, husband of a neice (sic) of Mr. Van Pelt's was in a critical condition as result of his automobile colliding with a bus on a Houston street, Mr. Davis, who is managing editor of the Houston Press, was reported to be suffering from a fracture of the skull.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.