Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 45
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 26, 1907
Briefly Told.

       Drop in at the Boston Tailoring Co., and see the new electrical pressing iron at work.  It does the pressing quicker and better than any other iron and it will interest you to see it running.  42 2t


       Strayed:  One sorrel horse mule, about four years old, brand(e)d V B connected on left should(e)r and H on jaw.  Will pay suitable reward for information leading to recovery.  A. Edgar Smith, Marlin, Texas.
42 2t.


       T. J. and L. B. Herron of the Marlin National bank are up again after severe cases of the dengue.  President Reed of the same bank is till confined to his home.


       T. H. Garrett of the Odds community is a firm believer in holding cotton and is amply able to do it.  Said he:  "I sold 145 bales one year for less than 5 cents per pound, some of it as low as 3.90, and I am still living and doing well.  I am in no hurry to sell my cotton and am in full sympathy with the union in the demand for 15 cents, though I am not a member and may never be.  If it should turn out that I have to sell for less than present prices or the price I want, why I can live over it."


       Country produce bought and sold by Cousins & Schuh.  They pay the highest market price.  30-tf.


       C. O. Leuschner of Otto reports, things in the real estate line fairly humming in that section of the county.  For several years Mr. Leuschner has been engaged in buying and selling lands and is considered by all as a splendid judge of values.  He says that Falls county land is the best in Texas and that a man, who has a good tract of it paid for, is to be congratulated.


       We can offer you special inducements in solid gold and gold filled ladies watches, our stock consists of the latest designs of all the standard manufacturers; no trouble to show goods.  Spawn, next to postoffice.      182-tf


       Edam cheese, Swiss imported, brick cheese, pineapples, rolled herring, anchovies, in fact a full line of fall delicacies arriving daily. Come and see us.  Savas Xydias.  183-tf


       Pedro Marena, the Mexican charged with theft of $4.00 from a negro woman at Otto, plead guilty to the charge and was given a fine of $1.00 and one day in jail for his trouble.  Pedro is a member of the I. & G. N. section gang at Otto and his fine was paid by a fellow workman.  The total fine and cost was $27.40.


       C. U. Spawn, graduate optician, member of the A. O. S. and T. O. A. gives examination  of the eyes free and guarantees to fit the most difficult case of defective vision.  183.tf


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas