Typed and spelled as written - Lena Stone Criswell
Forty-First Year - Number 84
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931
Miss Dorothy
Fountain underwent an operation in Marlin Monday.
Cleaning up premises is progressing splendidly in Marlin, and attention is now
being given to vacant lots.
W. T. ("Boots") Lenoir, Jr., who is attending school at Bluefield, West
Virginia, spent the Easter holidays with friends in New York City.
Andrew Seros, who recently purchased Andrew Bros. cafe, and family have moved to
Marlin from Denison and are residing at 518 Gift street.
G. E. Smith is erecting a five-room residence on the corner lot adjoining on the
west his on Lang street at intersection with the Rockdam road.
Work has begun on the new service station for the Gulf Refining Company on the
Patrick lot corner Bridge and Williams street.
Bill Bridger, son of J. C. Bridger of the Durango community, underwent an
operation in Marlin this week for a double mastoid infection, which followed an
attack of influenza.
Senator Tom Connally went to Franklin Thursday afternoon to address a meeting of
the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce. He was accompanied by Judge W.
S. Hunnicutt.
Misses Mildred Barton, Mamie Barrow, Lois Eddins, Ruth Goode
and Mary Elizabeth Wilson returned to C. L., Denton this afternoon after
spending the ( ster) holidays at home.
Construction has begun on the new of Mr. and Mrs. -. D. Harlan on Watson
streets on lot --purchased out of the Peyton property. It is to be one of the
most attractive and modern in Marlin.
Southern Pacific Railway is putting rock shavings in between their rails from
Wood street to Coleman and (
) cleaning up their right of way. Also drainage ditch alongside track is (
) with city. Looks good.
Chris and Tom Andrews, who have disposed of their cafe in Marlin, leave soon for
Greece. their na( ) land on a visit with
their relatives. Tom has been away 20 years (
) Chris 11 years, and no doubt will enjoy the visit to their old home.
Spring football practice begins at Marlin High school Monday afternoon with
about 35 candidates out, while Coach Weathers expects nearly double that to be
on the squad within a few days. Workouts are being staged on the school
Carlos King has returned to Austin to resume his classes in the University of
Texs after a brief visit with relatives in Marlin. Mrs. Kling, who is
teaching in the department of psychology of the State University, remains in
Marlin for a longer visit.
Miss Mary Louise Woodson of Austin, head of the young people's work in the
Central Texas Presbytery, has arrived in Marlin and will be here through Sunday.
She will attend young people's services at the First Presbyterian church Sunday
Mitchell Vaden was arrainged in corporation court on charge of theft
of a spirit level. He made restitution on the level plead guilty and was
let go with $1.00 and costs. Henry Pope for an affray, and Arne Hansen for
violation of traffic law were also each fined "$1.00 and costs.
Dr. J. W. Bergin, whilom pastor of the First Methodist church in Marlin and now
conducting a revival at the church was a visitor in the Democrat sanctum
sanctorum this week. Dr. Bergin, with the assitance of Pastor Hooper, is
going to make it hot for old man Satan around here if he don't look out.
Driver of light wagon drawn by one horse attempted to cross the I.-G.N.
railway at Harrison street crossing today. The animal was not strong
enough to negotiate the dump and the driver attempted to back down, but his
steering was not good and the rear wheels of his wagon went into the ditch.
He had to be pulled out.
O.(?) A. Edwards, V. R. Marek and G. L. Hutchings attended a meeting of the
Falls county voirture 30 Hommes et 8 Chevaux at Lott Tuesday night.
Rosebud, Lott and Marlin American Legion posts had delegations in attendance.
The next meeting will be held at Lott April 28, at which time applications will
be received for a big "wreck" to be staged later.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas