Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Thirty-First Year - Number 55
Marlin, Texas, Monday, July 6, 1931
Briefly Told
Miss Ruth Scarborough has returned to her in Rosebud following an operation at a
Marlin hospital.
Officers of the Rosebud Odd Fellows lodge will be installed Thursday night and
several members of the Marlin lodge are expected to attend the ceremonies.
S. G. Buchanan, former Marlin postal employe (sic) and now assistant postmaster
at Bryan, and family came up during the weekend, Mrs. Buchanan being here for
her health.
A light shower fell south of Bremond Sunday afternoon, states J. H. Smith of
that city, who was a Marlin visitor today. Speaking of rain, "crops in our
section can stand lots of it," he said.
Sam Landrum, son of County Judge and Mrs. J. B. Landrum, came up for the July 4
holiday, returning today to Austin where he is taking a law course in the law
department of the University of Texas.
W. M. McKewen had as weekend guests in his two brothers, R. P. and D. W. McKewen
of Huntington, a sister, Mrs. Ed Burrows of Nacogdoches, and a cousin, J. W.
McKewen, and family of Jackson, Miss.
Permits to wed:
Ernesto Garcia and Chona Perez
John Luela and Antonio Florez
Alphonso Horn and Mable Butler
J. W. Smith and Alma Storey
G. B. Harlan and Mattie Lee Kingston
Andrew Young and Ethel Hicks.
Dr. H. S. Garrett has returned from Llano county, where he has been with his
father, who has been ill for some time. The ocndition (sic) of the latter,
who is over 90 years of age, is reported somewhat improved. Mrs. Garrett
returned earlier in the week.
Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.