Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 25
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, May 30, 1931

Briefly Told

The Marlin postoffice and banks were closed today in observance of Memorial Day.

Oscar Phillips, who recently underwent an operation in Marlin, will return to Freeport during the weekend.

R. L. Pool, sage of Pool Springs, reports a good light rain in that area Friday afternoon.  "It will help a right smart." he said.

Boy scouts from Marlin's three troops will meet at Memorial Cabin at 2:30 p.m. Sunday to attend the memorial services for the veterans at the cemetery.

Mrs. C. L. Tate, who became ill while visiting at Ranger from effects of swallowing a fish bone, ws brought to a Marlin hospital Friday evening and was reported resting fairly well today.

The annual commencement sermon for the 1931 graduating class of Marlin High school will be preached by Rev. S. D. Dollahite at the First Baptist church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.

An all day Decoration Day program will be given at Powers Chapel cemetery Sunday with dinner on the ground.  This event annually attracts one of the largest gatherings of people in Falls county.

The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at 330 o'clock in the church annex in regular monthly business session.  Circle No. 6 will meet with Mrs. J. J. Thompson at eight Monday night.

Due today from a series of commencement addresses at Kerrville, Schulenburg and Celeste, Senator Tom Connally was slated to speak at Memorial Day exercises in Temple Sunday and at Baylor medical college commencement in Dallas Monday.

Memorial Day services sponsored by Falls count Post No. 31 American Legion will be held at Calvary cemetery at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon.  The public is invited to attend and those who will do so are requested to bring flowers to be used in decorating graves of the war dead.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.