Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham
NOTE: I am not sure of the date on this article but I believe it to be April
1931 or 1932 judging from some of the other papers I have typed. kc
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas April 1931 or 1932
Briefly Told
The Susanna Wesley Bible Class meets Tuesday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock with Mrs. I. L. Peterson.
Mrs. Carlos Kling has returned to her in Austin after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. O. H. Miles. Her husband is teaching in the department of psychology of
the University of Texas.
V. G. Forrester, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce at Mart, was in Marlin
today in connection with plans to bring a delegation from that city to the East
Texas Chamber of Commerce convention in Marlin.
There will be a meat canning demonstration at L. E. Cobb's at Reagan
Wednesday, April 15, states Miss Onah Jacks, Falls county demonstration agent,
who invites all people around Reagan interested in canning meat to attend the
The Falls County Medical Society will meet in regular session at the Hilton
hotel in Marlin at eight o'clock this evening. With Dr. A. C. Hornbeck as
chairman, papers will be given by Dr. C. M. Simpson, of Temple and Dr. T. G.
Glass of Marlin following by presentation of cases by Dr. J. I. Collier and Dr.
Howard Smith of Marlin.
Miss Dasa Ellington assistant to H. W. Stanley of the East Texas Camber of
Commerce staff, has arrived in Marlin to remain through the annual convention of
the organization April 19, 20, 21. She was secretary of the Mexia Chamber of
Commerce about two years, resigning to take up her present work. She will aid
Mr. Stanley, who arrived several days ago, in convention preparation.
Mrs. S. C. Johnson has returned from a visit with relatives in Bryan.
Mrs. G. W. Ballew of Durant, Okla., is the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Jim H. Barnett.
Mrs. Frank Ashburn and baby of Sherman are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Miles.
T. W. Davidson of Dallas, former lieutenant governor of Texas, is spending
several days in Marlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perretta and son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peasa of Dallas
spent Sunday with Miss Sadie Agan.
Dr. and Mrs. V. A. Scott and son of Stephenville and Miss Virginia Kern of
Bryan are guests in the of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bishop were in Marlin from Cooledge for the weekend,
being guests in the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Goode.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her
volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.