Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas Monday, November 2, 1936

Briefly Told

Mrs. Roy Green has moved to Marlin from Stephenville and is in the ready-to-wear department at R. E. Cox Dry Goods Company.

Work was resumed on the Highbank road, a WPA project, Monday morning. R. M. Gallaher is in charge of the project which is employing 71 men.

Mrs. Helen Agan Terrell left Sunday for her in Mitchell, Indiana, after an extended visit with her sister, Miss Sadie Agan, who accompanied her as far as Dallas on her return.

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Alexander and their daughter and son of Houston were in Marlin Monday en route to their in Houston from Waco where they attended the Markusfeld - Alexander nuptials Sunday.

Two men were arrested Saturday night by Deputy Constable Nat Oakden and lodged in the county jail on charges of drunkenness. Complaints were filed in justice court Monday morning and they were fined $1 and costs by Justice of the Peace Ben Freeman.

B. R. Fraizer was arrested here Sunday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff E. A. Stallworth and held pending word from San Antonio officers. Frazier was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Stallworth on information from the State Safety Department Bulletin.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Johnson and two children of New York city are guests in the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sandlin of Kosse. While here they visited the Centennial and will visit relatives in Brownsville before returning to their home.

Mrs. J. P. Laney has returned from a visit with relatives in Lockhart.

Mrs. Otho Schwab and son, William Wayne, have returned from a visit with relatives in Houston.

Mrs. Annie Briggs and daughters, Misses Reva, Ruth and Inez, were visitors in Fort Worth the week-end.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.