Typed and spelled as written:
Kay Cunningham
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas Thursday, May 28, 1931
Briefly Told
Miss Eunice
Hamrick of Cedar Springs is under treatment in a Marlin hospital.
Mrs. J. E. Hazelwood, formerly of Lott and now of Satin, underwent an
operation in Marlin Friday.
Mrs. R. L. Norwood and Mrs. Mary Hair attended Baylor commencement exercises
a Waco Wednesday.
S. A. Silverman, accompanied by his son, Henri, leaves Saturday on a visit
with relatives in Quincy, Fla.
Miss Mary Catherine Smith has arrived form Charlotte, N.C., where she has
been attending Queen's College.
Bradley Linthicum III has arrived from Kerrville where he attended Schriener
Institute during the past session.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Corkern and children of Clovis, N. M., and
Mrs. W. O. Murphy of Fort Worth are visiting their sister,
Mrs. O. N. Campbell.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.