The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 10, 1904
Two more cars of
fat hogs were shipped from Lott this Week by Jno. C. Peevy and J. E. Masters.
The Clarion reports that hog raising for the market bas become one of the fixed
industries of that community and that as a result many farmers save money that
they would rot otherwise
Every foot of land has been turned under and is in fine shape around Lott. The
farmers are, determined to exert every effort; to make a good crop in 1904.
Fields have been cleaned up, fence corners and rows burned out, early maturing
seed secured and everything else done to give B. Weevil the race of his life.
The disease which has been so fatal among the horses here for several weeks
seems to have checked up, as we have not heard of any new cases for sometime.
Nearly all the old carcasses have been burned, and a number of buzzards have
been killed, and those owning horses have been careful not to let them go around
the old carcasses. Clarion.
Judge Riddle, president t of the First National Bank of Rosebud t has moved to
Dallas with his family. The Judge has extensive banking interests in the state
that require a more central location.
Bruce Butts of Wilderville is engaged extensively in the raising of hogs for the
market, for which he finds a ready sale at good prices at the Fort Worth
The next meeting of the Pleasant Grove Truck Growers will be held on March 25.
This is an organization that has done much good already and truck growing is a
principal industry with a number of farmers in that community who have found
that diversification pays and pays well.
J. W. Sneed of Rosebud has established a goat ranch on his farm near the Brazos
river. He has stocked it with seventy five head of goats purchased in Madison
The people In this section are evidently not interested in the it creamery
proposition, as is evidenced by the fact that there were only two citizens,
beside the committee, at the meeting called for last Saturday afternoon.
Rosebud News.
A telephone message was received from Blue Ridge about noon Monday stating that
one of the Will Steeles teams had just run away with him on the road near Jesse
Brothers' farm on Blue Ridge, resulting in his being thrown from the wagon and
rendered unconscious for several hours. Dr. Blalock went out and found Mr.
Steele suffering from injuries to his head, but otherwise not hurt. He is
now improving and his injuries are not considered serious. - Cyclone.
Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.