Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 36
Marlin, Texas,Thursday, November 6, 1902

Lanham's Vote Six To One Against
Poll Tax Amendment Carries Overwhemingly

       The election in Falls county brought out the lightest vote in years.
       This was caused by the fact that the democratic ticket had no opposition except in two precincts and there was nothing to interest the voters.  However, the vote is as large as the campaign committee expected and though the representation may be cut down some, the slump will not be so very bad.
       Lanham's vote is about six to one against Burkitt and Henry's majority over Wurt his republican opponent is fully as great.
       The returns are coming in slowly but enough is in to indicate that the poll tax amendment has carried the county by an over whelming majority.
       The only officers elected by the opposition was in precinct No. 5, where M. O. Nix and Jay Cidwell were elected over T. J. Anderson and G. Q. Menefee, democrats by majorities of 58 and 130.
       In commissioner precinct No. 4, Julius Rector has defeated T. R. Denard with several hundred votes to spare.  All the members of the new court are democrats, two of them Winkelman and Burke, being members of the present court.  The new ones elected are  B. C. Morgan and Julius Rector.
       There was a contest for constable in No. 6, but A. G. Walton the democratic nominee, won, getting about all the votes cast.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas