Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 52
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 20, 1907
As Told by Exchanges)
Rosebud Round Ups.
(The News)

       W. H. Sartain, a practical mill man of Henrietta, has purchased the Rosebud Milling Company's plant; in this trade, the company acquires 4000 acres of good land in Bee county, which they propose to cut into small tracts for sale to actual settlers.

       Frank Davis has sold his interest in the Rosebud Lumber Company to J. T. Davis, and will probably engage in some other line of business.

       There are about 3000 bales of cotton being held in this section.  When it is turned loose there will be something doing in all lines.

       Hon. Wm. Graham of Houston spoke to an appreciative audience of Farmers' Union and others, exhorting the objects and aims of the union, urging the farmers to hold their cotton for a higher price, but advised them not to hold a single bale of cotton at the expense of merchants and bankers, but sell a portion of their cotton at prevailing prices to liquidate their indebtedness and then hold the balance indefinitely.

       A petition, now being circulated, will be presented to the Masonic lodge of this city to have their hall building removed from the public square.

       While returning home, the horse which Jim Clark, carrier R. F.D.R. No. 1 was riding, stumbled and fell, throwing him to the ground with such great force as to break his collar bone.

       Mrs. A. Schlottman of Giddings is visiting her son, J. E. Schlottman, and daughter, Mrs. C. R. Stratman.  She accompanied by her niece and grand daughter.

       A badger fight was had for the benefit of Travis and Ferrell Hughes, of Alabama, young tenderfoots, put up by the young bloods of Rosebud, but in pulling the badger an accident occurred and all bets were declared off. Travis left for his Alabama home, declaring that he would not live in any country where such dangerous beasts were allowed to run at large.

       Having been successful in our new school building proposition we should now turn our attention to an adequate water system for Rosebud.  As matters now stand our people have no protection whatever against fire.

       T. C. Lehman has purchased the Will Williams residence in North Rosebud.

       Roe Owen has the editors' thanks for a lot of fine sausage this week.  Among our numerous friends Roe seems to have been the only one that killed hogs during the present cold spell.

       D. M. Trammell and family, who have been residing in Houston for some time, returned last week and will make their future here.

       Mr. and Mrs. Horace Monroe left this week for Grandview, Texas, where Mr. Monroe will engage in the drug business.

       Attorney General Davidson has filed suit against one hundred and twenty milling companies of Texas for violation of the anti-trust laws.  The Rosebud Milling Company is one of the defendants.


       Lott Lodge 281, K. of P., gave reception in their castle to the ladies, which was a matter of surprise to the gentle sex, as they had only been invited to "open session" of the lodge.

       Conn Wrenn went to Cameron Friday to accept a position as convict guard.

       The pupils and teachers of the school in general have banded themselves together for the purpose of having a literary society.

       A dog belonging to Jim Deer went suddenly mad and attacked a small son of Mr. Deer's.  They were in a cotton field near the house but owing to the efforts of larger children and by the boy keeping his cotton sack between him and the animal, he escaped uninjured, though severly frightened.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas