Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Eighteenth Year - Number 18
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 27, 1907
By Special Correspondents
To the Democrat:
The much needed rain, which was so near the last week, but yet did not come, was
a disappointment to many of our farmers. A good rain for the corn the past
week would have given us a good crop, but a rain now would not have the desired
Thrashing has largely been completed in our
neighborhood, and here, as in most other places the returns were poor.
A very interesting program was rendered by
the Epworth league last Sunday night. Good music and singing were the
choice numbers.
Rev. P. Beuchle of Marlin made a short but
pointed talk in the Methodist church here Sunday night. Rev. Beuchle also
invited the audience to be present at the Sunday school picnic this week.
Prof. C. F. Schmidt of West, Texas, is
greeting his old time friends in this neighborhood.
Prof. Schmidt has recently finished a
successful school term as teacher in the high schools in Waring, Texas. He
says he can not leave here before the fourth on account of the picnic.
The Alexander local union had a meeting
last Tuesday night. The subject of warehouses was discussed and became so
interesting that the same subject was chosen again for the next meeting.
Hon. Tom Connally will speak to the
gathering in Mr. Eckart's park on July 4. Those of us who know Tom, won't
fail to hear him on that day. The Marlin Juvenile band will furnish the
music for the day.
To the Democrat:
We are having some very fine weather for farm
work; would be glad to see a good rain now. Crops around here are looking
very fine. Corn is going to be good. The melon crop is about the
only sorry crop we have in our section.
B. J. Patrick was at his place at Crenshaw
Saturday and Sunday.
There was a couple from the east side over
here Saturday hunting a preacher. But they falled to find one until they
got to Lott. We failed to learn the names of the parties.
Ed Howard and wife of Rosebud visited
relatives Sunday.
Mrs. Walker was on the sick list first of
the week.
A. P. Butts was one the sicklist several
days last week, but is up and at it again.
I say hurrah for the fair. I say the
county should have a fair every fall. If I live I will have some fine
Poland China hogs to show by the fall of 1908.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas