Submitted by

Barbara (Caddell) Fox





The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Wednesday, March 3, 1909

Falls County News

Criswell Chirps

To The Democrat:

     Farmers are about up with their work in this part of the country.

     Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Mattie Boyd.

     Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Blakely are visiting their daughter in Waco.

     We regret very much to note the death of Jacob Wolf’s little child, but let God’s will be done, not ours.

     There is a meeting at Science Hall this week, conducted by Bro. Philips of Fort Worth.

     Grady Blakely attended Science Hall church Thursday night.

     Mrs. Hubert Glass of Science Hall visited Mrs. Cleave Blakely Wednesday evening.

     Carpenter Curlee is with us again.  Glad to have him back.

     Miss Pauline Blakely visited in Mart Tuesday.

     Miss Mattie Boyd visited Rosebud Monday.

     C. F. Climer of Frost visited his father, J. M. Climer, Saturday and Sunday.

     Cleave Blakely likes the buzz of an automobile fine; believes he will get him one.

     Good Luck to the Democrat and its readers.
                                                                                                                        Sun Bonnet.