Submitted by
Barabara (Caddell) Fox
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Friday, December 3, 1909
To The Democrat:
A heavy rain fell here Monday and Tuesday, which the
farmers were very glad to see.
Mrs. Cathel Troup, a resident of the Cedar Springs
community, died Wednesday morning suddenly, with which everyone supposed to be
heart-failure. Mrs. Troup has been a resident of Falls county for many
years. She leaves a husband and six children and also a host of friends to
mourn her death.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Downes have returned from East
Texas, where they visited relatives and friends.
Mrs. C. T. Allen was the guest of Mrs. R. R. Pool
C. O. Pritchett was called to Hillsboro Friday on
account of the death of his niece, Miss Nellie Pritchett.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will leave soon for Milam county to
make their future home. We regret to see them leave very much.
Mrs. O. Smith is visiting relatives in West Texas.
Martin Casey visited relatives here Sunday.
While coming from Mr. and Mrs. Stuart’s Sunday Mrs.
Lora Pritchett and children were very badly frightened on account of the horse
getting scared and running a small distance.
Misses Annie and Willie Lee Pool and Josephine Allen
enjoyed a nice drive Sunday afternoon.
F. J. Pritchett, who has been in Coleman City for quite
a while, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Lott visited their son, George
Douglass, and family Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bone entertained the youngsters with
a nice candy breaking, which was enjoyed very much by those present.
Will close by wishing The Democrat good luck.
To The Democrat:
We had a copious rain here yesterday. Farmers are
all smiles.
The crop is just about out, a very little top crop is
to pick yet in this section.
A host of friends were beautifully entertained last
Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krause. The couple celebrating their silver
wedding. Their many friends wish them a long and blissful life.
Mrs. F. H. Roberts, who has been here at the bedside of
her sick brother, G. D. Ellington, returned to her at Waco Wednesday.
Henry Sonnenburg has recently been promoted from Santa
Fe agent at Crawford to agent of the same road at Moody. Henry is a Troy
boy and has many well wishers here.
J. Sonnenburg, Sr., had business in Temple Wednesday.
Fred and Jno. Schmehle made a business trip to Temple
last week.
Herman Huber and Jno. Frosch went to Temple last week.
Grandma Frosh is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Miss Huldie Sonenburg is sick at this writing.
A. Farmer
To The Democrat:
We are still having rain every few days.
Our school is still progressing nicely.
Mrs. R. J. Densman and niece, Miss Susan Jaynes, spent
Thanksgiving in Waco.
Miss Murrell Westmoreland spent Thanksgiving with
Lee Farmer and family spent Sunday with T. C. Farmer
and family.
Ruth Farmer happened to a very bad accident last
Monday. While standing on the school house stair steps her foot slipped
and she fell and tore some of the ligiments in the leg loose. We hope her
a speedy recovery.
Miss Zenie Goodman visited her sister in Waco Sunday.
Mrs. Rosa Jenkins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Misses Dollie and Jodie Frazier and Fannie Burdick
spent Sunday evening with Misses Maggie and Hattie Smith.
Verna Wadzeck and Miss Ollie Luster united in marriage
last Wednesday night. We wish them a long and happy life.
H. F. Parnell and family spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mr. John Peters and family of Lott.
Miss Nobby Morris spent Sunday night with Mrs. Sallie
To The Democrat:
Sunday school was well attended last Sunday.
Everybody is invited to come and take part. We also have prayer meeting
every Sunday night. All come prepared to recite a verse from the Bible.
John, and sister, Miss Zora Carter from Coit were
visiting in the Elm community Sunday.
C. W. Medders has bought J. W. Hall’s top crop of
cotton and is now busy gathering same.
F. O. Rogers has taken a lease on the Harris pasture.
Mrs. N. A. Rogers visited Mrs. J. E. Coleman of Odds
Misses Willow and Jewell Coleman, also Clinton and
Melvin Erskine of Odds were visiting in Elm community Sunday.
We hear Bro. Black of Tehuacana is going to preach for
us again another year, of which all are proud of, for he is a very able man and
I think can do much good here, as he has won the love and respect of all who
have met him. There will be preaching next Saturday night and Sunday at
Elm. Everybody come and bring someone with you.
Johnnie Shipp has moved back from Dallas county and
will work for J. K. Simmons next year.
Mrs. Nannie Simpson was around taking orders for the
Peary and Cook books this week.
Mrs. J. E. Coleman of Odds was visiting in our
community Tuesday.
With success to The Democrat I will close for this
Happy John.