Submitted by

Barbara (Caddell) Fox




The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, November 30, 1909




To The Democrat:

     We are having some pleasant weather, almost like spring.

     We are needing rain very badly, it is so dusty.

     The little frost we had did not kill anything on up land.  Cotton looks perfectly green, like spring.  Farmers are all smiles over their top crop of cotton.  Some will make nearly as much as they did the first crop.  Farmers are in better shape than they have been in years.

     Rev. Wiggs preached a Thanksgiving sermon Thursday night at the Baptist church.  All business houses were closed Thursday.  Several of the men enjoyed the day hunting.

     Our school is doing very nicely.

     Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Burke spent Saturday and Sunday at Chilton visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hicks.

     Mrs. F. M. Powers from Otto visited her mother-in-law, Mrs. D. C. Webb.

     We are glad to say that Tobe Cabaniss is improving nicely.  He is trying the coal smoke remedy, inhaling the smoke.

     R. M. Hagens has returned after a short visit.  He has been visiting his parents at Kerrville.                                   

Sunny Jim.



To The Democrat:

     The farmers have about all finished gathering their crops.  Some few have some potatoes to dig yet, and quite a number have begun plowing, making preparation for another crop.

     Mrs. R. E. Garrett of Durango visited relatives here last week.

     E. J. Wilcox is planning the erection of a fine mansion on his place here.

     W. L. Warrock of Rosebud was out looking over his farm here Sunday.

     Uncle Arthur Brown reports the best yield of potatoes that we’ve heard of this season.  He reports six or seven loads from his crop of less than an acre.  How’s that for big ‘taters in sandy land?                                       

A. B.



To The Democrat:

     Rev. B. J. Patrick filled his regular appointment here last Sunday.

     Miss Zora Carter of Coit attended church here Sunday and visited Miss Willa Coleman.

     Louis White of Kosse was in our village Sunday.

     A shooting affray occurred on the farm of T. H. Garrett Monday night in which Sam Jackson was seriously shot by a man named Miller.  Both parties are negroes.

     Dr. Baird of Otto made a professional visit to our town Wednesday.

     We regret to report C. S. Brown quite sick at this writing.  Hope he will soon be up.

     T. L. Criswell is moving a house this week, only changing streets with it.

     John C. McKinley is in the market for seed cotton.  See him before you sell.

     Our school did not suspend for Thanksgiving.  Wonder what was the cause for them not doing so.  We think all schools should suspend for that day, but ours never do.

     On account of Thursday being a legal holiday, our write-up is late this week.

Sir Van Cleave.



To The Democrat:

     Our country is enjoying some fine weather.  Farmers are most all through gathering their crops and some are beginning to break the soil for another year’s crop.

     The health of our community is very good.

     Thanksgiving dinners were the order of the day Thursday.

     A number of young folks enjoyed a splendid hour in the afternoon.

     Miss Willie Starkey of Hallsburg is visiting Miss Maxey.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lockerd of Marlin spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. A. E. Lockerd.

  Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Shields and little daughter, Madge, of Mart spent Thursday with their mother, Mrs. N. B. Maxey.

     Rev. Fletcher, our Baptist pastor, delivered two able sermons Sunday.

     Mrs. W. A. Miles of Marlin is visiting relatives in our city.

     Messrs. Boyd Thigpen, Earl Maxey and Emmitt Smith enjoyed a fast ride for a few minutes Wednesday night.  All escaped injury, but the buggy was slightly damaged.

     Miss Myrtle Maxey and Mrs. Charles Lane went to the Baylor Coming.

     Gibson Vasser and family have departed for East Texas.  They will make Jasper county their future home.

     Miss Eunice Shaw, one of our teachers, spent Thanksgiving at her in Marlin.

     Thursday being a legal holiday, there was no school.

     Mrs. Ben Ammons of Eddy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cord Maxey.

     The Baraca club gave an entertainment Thursday night.  They met with their president, Newt Lockerd.

     Sam Jack Evans of Waco is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gaines.

     Master Garland DeGraffenreidt of Marlin visited relative here.

     The Marlin Commercial Club was over Friday night.  Their talks and pictures were enjoyed by all, but the balloon failed to go up; it caught on the Baptist church and was thought that the building was on fire.  So Mr. Nettles was on the roof in an instant, while Mr. Geo. Carter climbed the gas pipe on the opposite side and with a little water the blaze was soon extinguished.  In the scramble for the $2.50 Little Joe Cecil Eakin came out victorious.

     The ladies of the town served supper for the visitors.

     Major J. J. Swann is spending a few weeks in Tyler, the guest of his daughter.

     Mrs. Farris of Giddings is visiting her son, Gus Farris.

     Miss Pinkie DeGraffenreidt, who is attending school in Marlin, is over to see folks.

     Miss Ivey Wooley spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents.  She returned to her school at McClanahan Monday.

     J. C. Eakin went to Waco Saturday.

     Miss Flannigan and Miss Martha Talley were shopping in Marlin Saturday.

A Subscriber.



To The Democrat:

     Constable Edgar Williams and Ben Roundtree of Rosebud were in Travis Saturday.

     Quite a good many of the Travisites attended the Thanksgiving supper at Salem Thursday night.  All reported having a jolly good time.

     Mrs. Dr. Cansler is slowly recovering from several weeks illness.

     Messrs. Grover Leary and William Cone and Misses Nell Amerine, Eva Newman, Lottie Vlha and Eula Etheridge of Rosebud visited here Sunday.

     Jim Clark and Miss Grace Calvert of Lott were visiting friends here Sunday afternoon.

     Mrs. Geo. W. Stuckey visited in Rosebud Sunday, guest of Mrs. Pender.

     Most all the top crop has been gathered in this vicinity.

     Mrs. Jno Scott and Miss Mittie Scott were shopping in Rosebud Wednesday.

     Henry Buster and sister, Miss Ida, are visiting in Bell county.

     Mr. Cadiss and children of Mississippi are visiting their relative, Mrs. Dorset, and family.

     Grandma Estes is seriously ill at this writing.

     Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Webb Atkins visited Rush Atkins Sunday.

     Cummings Redding of Cedar Springs was in town Friday.

     Mrs. Jim Mallard was here a short while Thursday.               

