Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 31
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, September 7, 1907
By Special Correspondents

To The Democrat:
The health of this community is fine.

       Most of the farmers have begun picking cotton.

       Miss Carrie Tarver of Houston is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. A. Moore.

       Many of our people attended the Fair at Rosebud.

       W. H. Brooke of Quanah, Texas is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Stuckey.

       Mr. and mrs. Stiefer are visiting in Blanco.

       Work on the rebuilding of the Baptist church is progressing nicely and it will soon be ready for service again.

       Frank Hammons has accepted a position with T. A. Tarver of Rosebud.

       Joe Tardy of Lockhart is visiting his uncle, Bennie Tardy.

       Mrs. Hammons is sick this week.

       J. P. Tindel and family have sold their farm and will make Rosebud their future home.  We regret much to lose these good people, but our loss is Rosebud's gain.
       With best wishes to the Democrat and its readers.
                                                                          Buster Brown.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas