The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 20
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 14, 1904

Incomplete Returns From Sarurday's

     The agony is over and the candidates with one or two exceptions know where they are at.  Of course those who were successful feel a little better than those who were not, still there is a general good feeling prevailing over the election be it said to the credit of all parties concerned.
     While there was some hard work done for the various favorites the election was orderly throughout and there was a notable absence of any scenes enacted at previous elections.  The Terrell law works as well in a primary election as in it general election and everyone is pleased with it. 
     Returns commenced coming in by telephone soon after the polls closed and were received by Secretary Spivey at the store of Newton Holloway.  It was but a few hours until the general result of the election was known in so far as congressman and county officers were concerned, with the exception of one or two offices in most cases the parties sending in the returns paid little attention to the state candidates and the result is not definitely known.  It is certain, however, that Davidson for attorney general, Robbins for treasurer, and Stephens for comptroller have carried the county by substantial pluralities the race for state superintendent of public instruction is close between Cousins and Lefevre, and it will be a day or two perhaps before the result can be learned.  All the other state candidates had no opposition.
     R. L. Henry for congress gets the county easily by a three to one vote.  In the flotorial race Kennedy leads with Blackmon second.
     The tabulation of the returns can not be completed until they are all in. The totals for the county with the exception of a few boxes are as follows:

NAME             TOTAL.


Gerald            598
Henry            1596


Davis              825
Hackett           619
Hodges          822


Boyles          1248
Hunnicutt      1236


Carlton            843
Greer            1660


Rogers         1438
Stallworth     1057


Davidson        574
Reynolds        521
Taylor           1382


Howard        1710
Kelly                530


Barnes          1007
Flood              253
Fulton              241
Harwell           343
Kemper (withdrawn) 69
Williamson     474


Priest              715
Reeves         1126
Thomas          682

     LATER: Reports from outlying boxes indicate a majority of three for D. H. Boyles in the county judges race and a pluraily of three for Davis in the representative's race. In both of the e contests it will probably require the official count to determine who the winner is.
     NOTE: When the official count is completed we will publish revised figures, until then, the above is the most accurate that we can get.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.