Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Eighteenth Year - Number 42
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 16, 1907
By Special Correspondents.
To The Democrat:
We are all grateful for the recent good
rain. Stock water is plentiful and turnips growing nicely.
Cotton is just about out and fair prices
still prevail. However, a number of our citizens are storing much of it in
warehouse for 15 cents.
Preaching Sunday was well attended, this
being Bro. Gardner's last appointment before conference. Alto is always
ahead when it comes to "paying her preacher." She generally beats Kosse a
few nickels.
Our school opens up Monday and prents (sic)
should start their children early, keep them there regularly and co-operate
(sic) with the teacher.
Mac Biles has recently sold his farm here
and contemplates moving to the west as soon as possible. Mac says he is
undecided yet just where he will go, but it's probable he will land in Mexico.
This community laments the loss of this estimable family.
Mrs. F. B. Bratton has returned from Kerens
where she attended the funeral of her nephew, Lucian Reese.
Miss Lula Jennings has been suffering with
a very badly sprained foot this week.
Mrs. Pringle of Marlin is the guest of
relatives here this week.
Robert Price has returned from a business
trip to Teague.
Robert Pamplin had business in Marlin,
Ellis Parrott and family spent Sunday on
Blue Ridge.
W. A. Cain has moved to Wilson where he
opens his school next week.
Miss Eunice Strickland is spending this
week with Miss Norris.
Mrs. J. W. Pamplin left Friday for a
month's visit to relatives in Ballinger.
Mrs. R. H. Dees spent Saturday in Marlin.
Quite a nice little entertainment was given
at Marlin Gillis' Saturday night in honor of Miss Ella Davis, a goodly crowd
being present and the time was spent most pleasantly.
The Alto singing class attended singing at
Eutaw Sunday afternoon and they report an excellent time.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas