Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell
Eighteenth Year - Number 27
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, August 24, 1907
Reunion of Thirtieth Cavalry.
At Gurley on Wednesday the annual reunion of the Thirtieth Texas cavalry was
held, Col. Edward J. Gurley, who commanded the regiment during the war,
presiding. The Thirtieth Texas cavalry was recruited chiefly in Central
Texas. R. G. Pidcock, a distinguished member, is adjutant of the
association. Most of the survivors were present. Memorial exercises
were held and meals were served in a grove.
The ravages of time and disease have
reduced the regiment to a mere handful, and the attendance was small, yet it was
a very pleasant and congenial reunion of veterans who recounted the stirring
days of the civil war with enthusiasm.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas