Bastrop County, TX |
ELGIN COURIER Newcomers as listed in the Elgin Courier Contributed by Ann
Helgeson @2003 Elgin Depot Museum INDEX OF NEWCOMERS to ELGIN in 1942 This list was maintained by the Elgin Courier and included
people who came to live in Elgin and McDade in 1942 ?
either as workers to construct and/or work in Camp
Swift or as military men in the Camp. The date refers to the issue of the Elgin Courier in which the
name appears. At least for the earliest arrivals there were details in the
Courier about where they boarded/rented. (This information will not be
available until Elgin Depot Museum completes a lengthy project to photograph
its copies of the Courier.) The date is followed by the place from which they
had come, if known. This material was originally transcribed by Barbara Stockley. It is part of a larger project to make
available World War II materials from the Elgin Courier. Smyth, Mr. & Mrs. Orville, Fort Worth 3/19/42 Cavell, Mr. & Mrs. L. R. 3/19/42 Whitted, Mr. & Mrs. ?
, Liberty Hill -- 3/19/42 Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. W. D., Wichita Falls- 3/19/42 Scheifer, L. D., Fort Worth- 3/19/42 Key, R. F., Dallas -- 3/19/42 Darby, Mrs. James, Austin -- 3/19/42 Felbo, ? , San Antonio -- 3/19/42 Nash, ? , San Antonio -- 3/19/42 Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Guy E., Dallas 3/19/42 Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. J. E., Corsicana -- 3/19/42 Calliari, Mr. & Mrs. John, Denver, Colorado
-- 3/19/42 Roberson, Mr. Mrs. Roy, Rotan - 3/19/42 Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. Walter, Goldthwaite -- 3/19/42 McMurry, Mr. & Mrs. R. A., Alpine --
3/19/42 Keisling, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold, Vernon --
3/19/42 Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow -- Weatherford -- 3/19/42 Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Arch L., Fort Worth -- 3/19/42 Dunn, Mr.& Mrs. Thomas, Dallas -- 3/19/42 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. W. E., Fort Worth- 3/19/42 Hall, Mr. & Mrs. C. E., Houston -- 3/19/42 Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. Jess, ?- 3/19/42 Schroeder, Mr. & Mrs. c., ? --
3/19/42 Schroeder, Fred, ? -- 3/19/42 Emmons, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie, ? --
3/19/42 McClure, Rufus,-ashville, Arkansas --
3/19/42 McClure, Edward, Houston -- 3/19/42 Rabb, Bill, Dallas -- 3/19/42 Sellers, Hershel, Dallas -- 3/19/42 Morrow, George, Dallas -- 3/19/42 Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Hilmer, former
Elgin- 3/19/42 Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow, former Elgin 3/19/42 Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Arvel, former
Elgin -- 3/19/42 Dayton, Mr. & Mrs. M. J., Texarkana 3/26/42 Kinnamon, Mr. & Mrs. Joe, Wichita Falls
3/26/42 Hines, Mr. & Mrs. Claude, Frankston 3/26/42 Terrell, Mr. & Mrs. A. W., Raymondville -- 3/26/42 Hines, Mr. & Mrs. G. C., Raymondville -- 3/26/42 Briley, Mr. & Mrs. L. E., Mineola --3/26/42 Lay, Mr.& Mrs. Raileigh, Lubbock
-- 3/26/42 McGee, James, Lockhart 3/26/42 McMillian, W. M., Lockhart -- 3/26/42 Staorey, Jeff, Lockhart -- 3/26/42 Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth, Lampasas -- 3/26/42 Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Sol, Wharton 3/26/42 Blair, Mr. & Mrs. W. W., Fort Worth 3/26/42 Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. H. H., Abilene -- 3/26/42 Blalock, Mr. & Mrs. D. Roy, Meridian -- 3/26/42 Faulkner, Mr. & Mrs. Ben, Tuscola -- 3/26/42 Parker, Mr. & Mrs. T. E., Corpus Christi -- 3/26/42 Foster, Mr. & Mrs. J. B., Oran -- 3/26/42 Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. F. H., Wichita Falls -- 3/26/42 Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Chas., Weatherford -- 3/26/42 Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Voss, Jacksboro- 3/26/42 Jones, Mr. & Mrs. J. R., Brownfield -- 3/26/42 Raines, Mrs. Elwood, Llano- 3/26/42 Colvin, Mr. & Mrs. Claude, Goldthwaite- 3/26/42 Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, Meadow- 3/26/42 Herrin, Mr. & Mrs. Bert, Lubbock- 3/26/42 Tanner, Mr. & Mrs. F. E., Fort Worth -- 3/26/42 Hearne, G. T., Mineral Wells- 4/2/42 Beaty, Herman, Mineral Wells -- 4/2/42 Wilson, W. W., Mineral Wells -- 4/2/42 Cole, Herman, Morgan's Mill -- 4/2/42 Long, John D., Morgan's Mill -- 4/2/42 Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Avoca -- 4/2/42 Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, Waco- 4/2/42 Guess, Mr. & Mrs. G. C., ?- 4/2/42 Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Rufus, Alpine -- 4/2/42 Canida, Mr. & Mrs. W. C., Dallas -- 4/2/42 Knight, Mr. & Mrs. J. L., Corpus Christi- 4/2/42 Prichard, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jr., Corpus Christi -- 4/2/42 Ovalline, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, Corpus Christi --
4/2/42 Garretson, Mr. & Mrs. Carl, Pampa -- 4/2/42 Gresham, Mr. & Mrs. E. T., Alta Loma -- 4/2/42 Lawery, Mr. & Mrs. J. P., Goldthwaite --
4/2/42 Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. H. H., Albany -- 4/2/42 Taylor, Glen, Wichita Falls -- 4/2/42 Langston, ?, Cleburne- 4/2/42 Carr, E. K., Odessa -- 4/2/42 Bowden, ?, Odessa -- 4/2/42 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Addie, Levelland-
4/2/42 Davis, Mr. & Mrs. R. 0., Alpine- 4/2/42 Williams, Mr. & Mrs. J. D., Wichita Falls -- 4/2/42 Ladd, Mr. & Mrs. W.-., Albuquerque,-ew
Mexico -- 4/2/4 Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Fort Worth- 4/2/42 Millgan, Mr. & Mrs. J. L., Kingsville --
4/2/42 Prince, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, Brady- 4/2/42 Mooare, Mr. & Mrs. C. M., Mineral Wells-
4/2/42 Mundine, Mr. & Mrs. W. R., Austin -- 4/2/42 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton, Waco- 4/2/42 Shuman, Mr. & Mrs. L., 7 -- 4/2/42 Deaton, Mr. & Mrs. Travis, Carlisle, Iowa -- 4/2/42 Dingler, B. C., Dallas -- 4/2/42 Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Jim, 7 -- 4/2/42 Higginboatham, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd, Dublin -- 4/2/42 Booth, Mr. & Mrs. Joe, Murray, Iowa --4/2/42 Lambright, Mr. & Mrs. W. J., Cisco -- 4/9/42 Hinds, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, Perry, Iowa -- 4/9/42 Norgenstern, Mr. & Mrs. G. W., Bandera --
4/9/42 Driggers, Mr. & Mrs. Homer, Greenville --
4/9/42 Arney, Lee, Groesbeck- 4/9/42 Ray, Clyde, Groesbeck -- 4/9/42 Dossey, Homer, Groesbeck -- 4/9/42 Weatherman, Martin, Brownwood -- 4/9/42 Dean, S. J., Fort Worth -- 4/9/42 McDonald, C. A., Fort Worth -- 4/9/42 Holder, Mr. & Mrs. Willis, Waco -- 4/9/42 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma- Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Mack, Louisiana -- 4/9/42 Hirsh, Mr. & Mrs. J. c., Waco -- 4/9/42 Lempke, Mr. & Mrs. 7, 7 --4/9/42 Beran, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold, 7 -- 4/9/42 Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Roy D., Benjamin -- 4/9/42 Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence, Brownwood -- 4/9/42 Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Leo, Burnett -- 4/9/42 Jones, Mr. & Mrs. R. D., Big Springs -- 4/9/42 Gaddy, Mr. & Mrs. D. A., Electra --
4/9/42 Maddox, Me & Mrs. G. R., Greenville -- 4/9/42 Tupper, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil, Colberk,
Arkansas -- 4/9/42 Hudson, Aleck, Dallas -- 4/9/42 Adams, Mrs. Earl, Dallas -- 4/9/42 Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, Corpus Christi -- 4/9/42 Evans, Mr. & Mrs. W. C., San Antonio -- 4/9/42 Davis, Mr. & Mrs. F., Corpus Christi -- 4/9/42 Turrentine, Mr. & Mrs. R. B., Fort Worth --
4/9/42 Stephenson, Miss Catherine, Dallas -- 4/9/42 Davis, John, Lawton, Oklahoma -- 4/9/42 Wilson, Jack, Lawton, Oklahoma -- 4/0/42 Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Ollie, 7 -- 4/9/42 Johnson, W. B., 7 -- 4/9/42 Colem[an], J. D., 7 -- 4/9/42 Livingston, C. A., 7 -- 4/9/42 Woodlock, Jack, 7 -- 4/9/42 Drennen, 7, Dallas -- 4/9/42 Duval, Mr & Mrs. Martin, Bartlett
-- 4/16/42 Yeary, Mr. & Mrs. S. J., Weatherford --
4/16/42 Carter, Mr. & Mrs. T. W., Fort Worth -- 4/16/42 Carter, Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Jr., Fort Worth -- 4/16/42 Carter, H. D., Fort Worth -- 4/16/42 Carter, Fred, Fort Worth -- 4/16/42 Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Rich, Parsons, Kansas -- 4/16/42 Couch, Mr. & Mrs. E. C., Parsons, Kansas -- 4/16/42 Rittierodt, Mr. & Mrs. C. H., Parsons, Kansas
-- 4/16/42 Johnson, Tommie, Marlin -- 4/16/42 Wilson, Sgt. & Mrs. A. H., 7 -- 7/9/42 Dean, Sgt. & Mrs. Stuart, Arkansas -- 7/9/42 Caballerio, Cpt. & Mrs. 7, Pennsylvania --
7/9/42 Ogden, Pfc. & Mrs. E. V., Wawoka,
Oklahoma -- 7/9/42 Boreland, Lt. & Mrs. John A., Illinois --
7/9/42 Marcelonis, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Joseph P.,
Pennsylvania -- 7/9/42 Reuter, Mast. Sgt. & Mrs.-L. S., Monterey, California --
7/9/42 Wentz, Lt. & Mrs. Wayne, Camp Lee, Virginia -- 7/9/42 Hendrickson, Lt. & Mrs. R. P., Bathgate, North Dakota --
7/9/42 Wogenstahl, Lt. & Mrs. C. V., Cincinatti, Ohio -- 7/9/42 Baird, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell, San Antonio -- 7/9/42 Carlton, Cpt. & Mrs. Rayford, Bridgeport -- 7/9/42 Sybrant, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Erwin R., San
Luis Obispo, California 7/9/42 Schlenning, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. John R., San
Luis Obispo, California 7/9/42 Matson, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Paul E., Fort Sam Houston --
7/9/42 WandIe, Sgt. & Mrs. Galen B., Dayton, Ohio
-- 7/9/42 Eckart, Cpt. & Mrs. Howard, Cleveland Eaves, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Elmer, Electra -- 7/9/42 Leudthke, Capt. & Mrs. Henry, Miles --
7/9/42 Grizzelle, Lt. & Mrs. Ivy, Oklahoma -- 7/9/42 Hedden, Lt. Col. W. A. -- 7/9/42 Tabachnik, Lt. Col. A. -- 7/9/42 Youman, 1st Lt. George E. -- 7/9/42 Guess, 1st Lt. Joe F. -- 7/9/42 Deeley, Maj. Joseph M. -- 7/9/42 Rouse, Capt. John J. -- 7/9/42 McGarry, Capt. Terrence J. -- 7/9/42 Brennan, 1st Lt. John F. -- 7/9/42 Kemp, 1st Lt. James B. -- 7/9/42 Murray, 1st Lt. Charles A. -- 7/9/42 Murphy, 1st Lt. Phillip A. -- 7/9/42 Bragdon, 1st Lt. Kenneth P. -- 7/9/42 Maney, 1st Lt. Edmond R. -- 7/9/42 Walden, 1st Lt. Charles L. -- 7/9/42 Jackman, 1st Lt. Mark D. --7/9/42 Warsden, 1st Lt. Thomas A. -- 7/9/42 Diamond, 1st Lt. Saul -- 7/9/42 McManis, 1st Lt. George -- 7/9/42 Back, 1st Lt. Eugene F. -- 7/9/42 Myers, 1st Lt. John B. -- 7/9/42 Ford, 1st Lt. Hammond P. -- 7/9/42 Kennedy, 1st Lt. John J. -- 7/9/42 Harding, 1st Lt. Charles A. -- 7/9/42 Ireland, 1st Lt. James W. -- 7/9/42 Kosak, 1st Lt. Joseph C. -- 7.9.42 Kemp, Lt. 7 -- 7/9/42 Willis, Lt. 7 "- 7/9/42 Morton, Maj. Robert J. -- 7/9/42 Yuhas, Capt. John -- 7/9/42 Westfall, 1st Lt. William M. -- 7/9/42 Nelson, 1st Lt. Howard C. -- 7/9/42 Cosgrove, 1st Lt. Sherman D. -- 7/9/42 Hofsetter, 1st Lt. Fred W. -- 7/9/42 Crary, 1st Lt. William R. Jr. -- 7/9/42 Hale, John, Stephenville -- 4/l6/42 Hale, Mr. & Mrs. T. H., Stephenville n 4/l6/42 Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin, Cisco -- 4/l6/42 Frizelle, Mr. & Mrs. J. E.,
? -- 4/l6/42 Winn, Mr. & Mrs. ?, Dallas n 4/l6/42 Perkinson, Mr. & Mrs. ?, Brownwood -- 4/l6/42 Granger, Mr. & Mrs. G. W., Timpson n 4/l6/42 Davis, Mr. & Mrs. S. B., McAllen n 4/l6/42 Winfrey, Mr. & Mrs. J. H., Independence, Missouri - 4/l6/42 Winfrey, E. E., Marlin - 4/l6/42 Vinson, Carl, Marlin -- 4/l6/42 Anderson, C. H., Kansas City, Missouri - 4/16/42 Jones, Mr. & Mrs. J. F., Garland -- 4/l6/42 Sowder, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Ludlow, Misssouri -- 4/l6/42 Wilson, Sam, Houston - 4/l6/42 Bilbrow, Mr. & Mrs. John, Lubbock --
4/l6/42 Steward, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Lubbock - 4/l6/42 Supulver [or Supluver],
Mr. & Mrs. S. E., Olden -- 4/l6/42 Stogner, Mr. & Mrs. W. E., Lamesa
-- 4/16/42 Crouch, Mr. & Mrs. Joe, Denison -- 4/23/42 Parker, Albert, Denison -- 4/23/42 Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. A. J., Bay City - 4/23/42 Shinn, Mr. & Mrs. ?, Shreveport, Louisiana -- 4/23/42 Lingle, Mr & Mrs. ?, ? -- 4/23/42 Schroeder, Mr. & Mrs. Grant, Corpus Christi -- 4/23/42 Wigginton, Albert, Wells -- 4/23/42 Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. A. T., Dallas -- 4/23/42 Carter, D. c., Graham -- 4/23/42 Waynick, P. L., Graham -- 4/23/42 Lett, Mr. & Mrs. A. J., ? --
4/23/42 Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. F. G., ? --
4/23/42 Kurtz, Lt. Col. Lawrence, camp commander -- 5/7/42 Brown, Lt. Col. A. K., camp surgeon -- 5/7/42 Gilruth, Lt. Col. ? n
5/7/42 Gardner, Maj C. E. -- 5/7/42 Chase, Maj. Earl R. -- 5/7/42 Secrest, Capt. H. G. n 5/7/42 Reed, Capt. G. A. -- 5/7/42 Scherlen, 1st Lt. E. O. -- 5/7/42 Doll, 1st Lt. G. J. - 5/7/42 Schmiege, 1st Lt. H. J. -- 5/7/42 Taylor, 1st Lt. C. P. -- 5/7/42 Ferree, 1st Lt. A. A. -- 5/7/42 Anderson, 2nd Lt. P. L. -- 5/7/42 Latson, 2nd Lt. C. H. -- 5/7/42 Stevenson, 2nd Lt. P. R. -- 5/7/42 Lumpkin, Capt. O. H. -- 5/7/42 Houston, Maj. O. P. -- 5/l4/42 Wallace, Capt. D. M. -- 5/l4/42 Twaddle, Maj. Gen. Harry L. -- 6/l1/42 Bourland, Lt. & Mrs. John, Illinois --
6/l1/42 Frenchman, Sgt. & Mrs. Morton, Newark, New Jersey -- 6/11/42 Applewhite, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, Mineral Wells -- 6/l1/42 Brainerd, 1st Lt. Justin C., Fort Sam Houston -- 6/ll/42 Brainard, Mr. & Mrs. F. G., Fargo North
Dakota -- 6/11/42 Brainard, Miss Aleth,
Fargo North Dakota -- 6/11/42 Bentley, 1st Lt. & Mrs. William, Fort Sam Houston -- 6/11/42 Kreher, Pfc. & Mrs. Edward, New Jersey-
6/11/42 Woolfolk, Capt. &Mrs. Robert M. Jr., Fort Sam Houston-
6/11/42 Freeman, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. W. E., Camp Bowie -- 6/11/42 Tobin, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. James, Camp Bowie- 6/11/42 Ward, Miss Marjorie, Omaha,Nebraska --
6/11/42 Heidt, Lt. D. A., ?- 6/19/42 Lane, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. W. W., Monterey, California --
6/19/42 Otis, 1st Sgt. & Mrs. H., Monterey, California- 6/19/42 Matson, Staff Sgt., & Mrs. Paul E., Fort Sam Houston
--6/19/42 Rollins, Lt. & Mrs. George Allen, Boston, Massachusets- 6/19/42 Armstrong, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Frank, Jacksonville, Florida-
6/19/42 Houston, Lt. & Mrs. Sam, Ohio- 6/19/42 Schultz, 1st Lt. & MrsJerry J., ? --6/19/42 Brown, Lt. & Mrs. William H., ? --
6/19/42 Pumphery, 1st Lt. & Mrs. Edward A., ?-
6/19/42 Bisbing, Lt. & Mrs. John, Georgia --
6/19/42 Dowell, Sgt. & Mrs. Jack, ?- 6/19/42 Majors, Maj. & Mrs. Webster B., Alabama- 6/25/42 Kelly, Capt. & Mrs. James S., Wheeling, West Virginia --
6/25/42 Eidt, Sgt. & Mrs. Louis, ? -- 6/25/43 Riggle, Lt. & Mrs. Charles, Jacksonville,
Florida -- 6/25/43 Kreher, Pvt. & Mrs. Edward,New
Jersey- 6/25/42 Forehand, Tech. Sgt. & Mrs. Sam, Mineral Wells -- 6/25/42 McWilliams, Tech. Sgt. & Mrs. John, Pineville, Louisiana --
6/25/42 Aubertin, Sgt. & Mrs. Lucien, Fort Ord,
California -- 6/25/42 Wadkins, Capt. & Mrs. Ed, Fort Sill,
Oklahoma- 6/25/42 Meter, Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Van, Dallas -- 6/25/43 Van Meter, Mr. & Mrs. Charlie, Dallas -- 6/25/42 Bradley, Lt. & Mrs. E. P., Montgomery, Alabama- 6/25/42 Paxman, Sgt. & Mrs. Harold M., Utah- 6/25/42 Anderson, Sgt. & Mrs. L. W., Minnesota -- 6/25/42 Belaire, Sbt. &
Mrs. Bernard R., Michigan- 6/25/42 Giddy, Sgt. & Mrs. Harold K., Alabama -- 6/25/42 Naugher, 1st Lt..
& Mrs. L. D., Tarboro,North Carolina -- 6/25/42 Weiss, Lt. & Mrs. Henry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- 6/25/42 Heitzman, Lt. & Mrs. H. M.,
? -- 7/2/42 Cochran, Lt. & Mrs. S. J., ? --
7/2/42 Minyard, 1st Lt. & Mrs. B. I., Greenwood,
Mississippi- 7/2/42 Kost, Lt. & Mrs. Louis, Pennsylvania-
7/2/42 Ray, Maj. & Mrs. Robert, Pennsylvania -- 7/2/42 Barkley, Lt. & Mrs. David S., Camp Robinson, Arkansas-
7/2/42 Curl, Lt. & Mrs. Thomas, Fort Sam Houston -- 7/2/42 Karley, Lt. & Mrs. W. J., Madison, South Dakota -- 7/2/42 Eakes, Lt. & Mrs. S. E., Fort Monmouth,New Jersey -- 7/2/42 Watkins, Capt. & Mrs. Ed, ? --
7/2/42 Farris, Sgt. & Mrs. Jack, Florida -- 7/2/42 Tyson, Capt. & Mrs. G. E., Camp Bowie -- 7/2/42 Crozier, Lt. & Mrs. Robert L., Lake Charles, Louisiana --
7/2/42 Parker, Sgt. & Mrs. O. D., California- 7/2/42 Thomas, Mast. Sgt. & Mrs. H. R., Fort Ord, California --
7/9/42 Johnson, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Harry, California -- 7/9/42 Anderson, 2nd Lt. Frank E. -- 7/9/42 Poag, 2nd Lt. Lewis M. -- 7/9/42 Nammack, 1st Lt. James L. -- 7/9/42 Emery, 2nd Lt. Kacl R. -- 7/9/42 Coward, 2nd Lt. Horace I. -- 7/9/42 Hemington, 2nd Lt. Harold L. -- 7/9/42 Cella, 1st Lt. Edward L. -- 7/9/42 Brown, 2nd Lt. Herbert B. -- 7/9/42 Nash, 2nd Lt. Staton H. -- 7/9/42 Nelson, 1st Lt. Howard C. -- 7/9/42 Newman, 2nd Lt. John E. -- 7/9/42 Gay, 2nd Lt. Paul C. -- 7/9/42 Spragins, Brig. Gen. Robert L. -- 7/16/42,
7/22/42 Brann, Col. Donald W. -- 7/16/42 Maris, Brig. Gen. Ward -- 7/16/42 McNabb, Lt. Co!. Alex B. -- 7/16/42 Gaillard, Lt. Co!. Fred E. -- 7/16/42 Williams, Lt. Co!. S. T.- 7/16/42 McClure, Lt. Co!. Mark -- 7/16/42 Wallace, Capt. Victor M. -- 7/23/42 Clark, 1st Sgt. & Mrs. Belton J., Omaha,Nebraska
-- 7/23/42 Nichols, Staff Sbt. & Mrs. R. L.,
Warsaw, Illinois -- 7/23/42 Thomas, Mast. Sgt. & Mrs. H., Monterey, California --
7/30/42 Redus, Sgt. & Mrs. H. B., ? -- 7/30/42 Gordon, Lt. & Mrs. W. E., South Carolina -- 7/30/42 Green, Sgt. & Mrs. Raymond, Temple -- 7/30/42 Pearson, Sgt. & Mrs. Johnm, ? -- 7/30/42 Gammage, Lt. & Mrs. T. Ernest, Brownwood
--7/30/42 Fain, Mr. & Mrs. H. M., Fort Sam Houston -- 7/30/42 Hammond, Sgt. & Mrs. Don, Childress -- 8/6/42 Freeman, Sgt. & Mrs. W. E., Vinitia,
Oklahoma -- 8/6/42 Morris, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. B. B., Palacios -- 8/6/42 Shackleford, Sgt. & Mrs. S., Watsonville,
California -- 8/6/42 Shepherd, Capt. & Mrs. W. J., Port Clinton, Ohio -- 8/6/42 Birdie, Pvt. & Mrs. Lee, New York -- 8/6/42 Nichols, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. ?, ? --
8/6/42 Gehr, Capt. & Mrs. M. C., Camp Bowie --
8/13/42 McCann, Capt. V. W., Indianapolis, Indiana -- 8/13/42 Bryan, Caapt. Eugene P., Macon,
Georgia -- 8/13/42 Bednarik, Mr. & Mrs. S. L., Lawton, Oklahoma -- 8/13/42 Swinney, Mr. & Mrs. W. E., Dallas -- 8/13/42 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. R. E., Calloway,Nebraska
--8/13/42 Grimmet, Sgt. & Mrs. H. G., Houston --
8/13/42 Noble, Sgt. & Mrs. John M., Los Angeles, California --
8/13/42 Perry, Sgt. & Mrs. J. J., ? --
8/13/42 Leaks, Sgt. & Mrs. Charles, ? --
8/13/42 Doriont, Lt. & Mrs. Jack, Navasota --
8/13/42 Guess, Capt. & Mis. Joe, Camp
Blanding, Florida -- 8/20/42 Taylor, Sgt. & Mrs. Lacey 0., Camp Bowie -- 8/20/42 Miles, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Otis, ? --
8/27/42 Bonnett, Ray, San Antonio -- 8/27/42 Taylor, Sgt. & Mrs. Robert L., ? --
8/27/42 Loheller, Lt. & Mrs. Elwood, Michigan --
9/10/42 Conrody, Corp. & Mrs. Victor, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin -- 9/10/42 Back, Cpt. & Mrs. Elbert, Rockford, Illinois -- 9/10/42 Mitchell, Pvt. & Mrs. George W. Jr., Marquette, Kansas --
9/10/42 Parker, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. Dee, San Luis Obispo, California ? 9/10/42 Cantrell, Staff Sgt. & Mrs. John, Lawton, Oklahoma
? 9/10/42 Barto, sgt. &
Mrs. E. P., Raymond, Illinois ? 9/10/42 Lee, Sgt. & Mrs. Ernest E., ? ?
9/10/42 Spragins, Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Robert L., ? ? 9/17/42 Maris, Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Ward, ? ?9/17/42 Valder, Cpl. & Mrs. Howard, Elgin,-ebraska ?
9/17/42 Mull, Mast. Sgt. & Mrs. A. H., Fort Ord, California ?9/17/42 Hurst, Sgt. & Mrs. Paul, Dallas ?
9/17/42 Reynolds, Sgt. & Mrs. Lee, California ?
9/17/42 Freeman, Pvt. & Mrs. Howard, St. Joseph, Missouri
? 9/17/42 Hogan, Pvt. & Mrs. Welborn, Boss
Missouri - 9/17/42 Whitley, Sgt. & Mrs. Frank, Seattle, Washington
? 9/17/42 Twaddle, Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Harry L., ?
? 10/1/42 |