In the name of God, Amen. I, William Nelson McDonald, of the State of South Carolina, and of Sumter District taking it in to consideration that it is appointed for man once to die, and knowing the uncertainty of life do with a sound mind and understanding, make constitute, and ordain, this my last will and testament. Revoking all others by me heretofore made.

In the First place, I recommend my Soul to the protection of the Almighty God, under a Hope of Salvation, through the meditation, and assistance of my blest redeemer, Jesus Christ.

And, Secondly, it is my wish that my Executors and Executrix hereafter named do deposit my body in a Christian like manner in the Family Burial Ground of my ancestors as soon after my death as they shall think proper.

With respect to my worldly Estate which it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I wish to be disposed of in the following manner, that is that all my lands in the District of Williamsburgh shall be sold as soon after my death as possible, and my legal debts paid from the monies arising.

The residue of my property I wish to be equally divided between my wife, Sarah Ann McDonald, and my two children, William Leondias McDonald, and Louisa Addrianna Charlotte McDonald, and in the case of the death of either of the three, I still wish the property to continue in an equal division—and should the whole die without legal issue it then becomes my wish that my property should extend to my Brother, Archibald Couturier McDonald. [Which said property I give and bequeath to them and their lawful heirs forever].

It is my further will that my children be educated in as fine a manner as their circumstances will admit of. Should my Executors and Executrix at any time think proper to purchase personal property for the use of my children without contracting debt, it is my request that they will do so. I do here appoint as my Executors and executrix my good friends, William Lesesne, Daniel Cain, Matthew S Moore Junior and my beloved wife, Sarah Ann McDonald. The twenty-third of January 1824.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the
Presence of William N. McDonald

Jas W Keels
Elizabeth M Mc Keels
Charles Lesesne
William Potts, Ordy. SD

Recorded Will Book D-1, Page 76 Recorded Nov 5th, 1824 Bundle 59 – Package 8