Last Will and Testament of James C.Fullwood

In the name of Triune God, I James C. Fullwood,planter in Lower Salem, Sumter District South Carolina. Coming tomind the uncertainty of life do hereby make and publish this my lastwill and testament in manner nad form following viz

First. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife AnnFullwood the tract of land whereon I now live containing two hundrenand fifty acres excepting twenty five acres adjoining the estate ofWm. J. Fullwood during her natural life, and at her death to go to myson Robert H. Fullwood. and the following three negros in lieu ofdowry viz Fellis, Ben and Abram. I also bequeath to her two mules,my riding chair and harness, my dining table, her choice of five cowsand claves and fifteen head of hogs out of my stock. The negros,chair, harness, table, cows, calves, and hogs to be entirely at herown disposal.

Decond I will and bequeath to my threegranddaughters, children of my daughter Susan McKnight, Lenora, MaryJane, and Susan Rebecca McKnight the following negroes viz Lizzy andher two children with her future increase also Hugh and January. Thenegroes to be kept on my plantation under the dirctions of my exr.until one or more of my granddaughters marries or arrives at the ageof eighteen years. then to be equally divided without making a saleby my exr and any there of my respectable neighbors. Should eitherof my granddaughters Lenora, Mary Jane, or Susan Rebecca die withoutleaving lawfull issue, then I wish her part to be equally dividedamong the surviving daughters of my daughter Susan McKnight. It ismy will that James McKnight receive three dollars as his full shareof my estate.

To my grandson Robert Brady McKnight I will andbequeath a tract of land containing five hundred and seventy acresmore or less orginally granted to Patrick Bird situate on NewmansBranch adjoining Samuel McFaddin and others. and in care of hisdecease without issue to go to his brother Wm. MontgomeryMcKnight.

Third I will and bequeath that the followingnegroes viz. a woman named Danley with all her childre except herdaughter Ann, to remain and to be kept on my plantation under thecare and direction of my Exr.

For the benefit of my daughter Eliza Andersonduring her natural life and at her death to be equally divided amongher surviving daughters Amander, Ann Mariah, Mary Jane, and Leanora. Should any one of her daughter die without lawful issue her part otbe divided among the surviving sisters. The nergros to be still kepton my plantation under the care and direction of my Exr for thebenefit of said children until one or more of them marries or arrivesat the age of eighteen years. then to be divided by my Exr and anythree of my respectable neighbors.

I will and bequeath to my granddaughter Ann MariahAnderson one negro girl named Ann with all her future increase. Should Ann Mariah die without lawfull issue, the said negro Ann to goto her sister Lenora.

I will and bequeath to my daughter LeahFullwoodone negro woman named Betty with her future increase, Arthur,Elsey, and Sampson. I also give to her one sorell mare and colt, onebed, bedstead and furniture to be entirely at her disposal. I alsogive to her one negro man named Cezar during her natural life and taher death to go to my son Robert H. Fullwood. I also give her choiceof a room and fire place in my large frame dwelling house.

Fifth I will and bequeath to my son Robert H.Fullwood a tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres moreor less Situate on Black River and north of Boggy Gully haveing onevaluable mineral spring.

Also another tract excepting twenty acrescontainging in all two hunderd and fifty acres more or less situateon Black River between the tract I now live on and Black Riveroriginally granted to James Conyers also two other tracts situate onBoggy Gully which land I bought from Daniel Welch containig togetherone hundred and eighty two acres more or less. Also an adjoiningtract lately bought from Joshua McIntosh containing tow hundred andthirteen acres more or lesss. Also one hundred acres of Pine landmore or less lying over the great road adjoining the last above namedland and the land of the estate of Wm J. Fullwood. I also will andbequeath to him three negroes viz. Alford, Sidney, and Ellen with herfurture issue. also my black smithing tools, horse mill and gin. Astock of cattle, hogs, and sheep marked with poplar leaf in one tearand two under -------- in the other. my watch and gold chain, desk,bed, bedstead, and furniture.

And should my son Robert die without lawful issueis is my will etall all the land bequeathed to him shall go to mygrandsons hereafter named viz. James A. Fullwood, Robt. R. McKnight,Wm. M. McKnight, Jospeh L. Anderson and Robert J. Anderson to beequally divided without making any sale between them according toquantity and quality and the negroes to be equally divided betweenthe three oldest daughters of Eliza Anderson

I will and bequeath to my grandson James A.Fullwood, sixty acres of land to be laid our from the several tractsbequeathed to my son Robert H. Fullwood adjoining the land of theestate of William J. Fullwood commencing at its corner in the BlackRiver Swamp and running parallel therewith the great Road to theblack river or the estate of William J. Fullwoods land

Seventh I will and bequeather all the balance ofmy real estate herein not named to be equally between my threegrandsons Jos. J. Anderson, Robert J Anderson, and Wm. MontgomeryMcKnight Should either die leaving no lawful issue his part ot bedivided among the survivors

I will and bequeath to my two granddaughterElizabeth and Lenora Fullwood twenty dollars grandson James AFullwood die without lawfull issue I will all the lands bequeathed tohim to be equally divided between his two sisters viz Elizabeth andLenora Fullwood

Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my sonRobert H. Fullwood with my friend Wm. R. Burgessas my legal executorsto this my last will and testament.

Given under my hand and seand this sixteenth ofMay one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine andin the sixty thirdyear of American Indpendence of the United States of America

Signed and sealed in the presence of James Burgess J. C. Fullwood SS

Joseph Burgess

John A. Burgess

Personally appreared before me Joseph S. Burdgesswho being duly swron sayth that he was presonally present and sawJames C. Fullwood sign and seal, publish and declare the enclosedinstrument to do with contain his last will and testament of the saidJames C. Fullwood was at the time of death sworn 15 September1841



Sumter District South Carolina Will book D-2 p.42, probate bundle 108, pkg 14