In the name of God amen. The ___ day of ____ inthe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven. IRobert Witherspoon, of Sumter District in the State of SouthCarolina, being in good health and of sound and disposing mind memoryand understanding; yet calling to mind the mortality of my body andknowing that it is appointed to all men once to die do make andordain this my last Will and Testament as follows: Item 1st I Willand Bequeath to my dearly beloved Wife the five negroes which Ireceived with her at marriage, and their increase, during her naturallife, at her death the said five negroes, and their increase, to goto and be equally divided between my three children Sarah A. Knox.Thomas. M. and Hamilton G. the share that may fall to my daughterSarah A. Knox. I will the use and pofsefsion of to her during hernatural life at her death the same share to go to and be forevervested in the ifsue of her body- To my beloved Wife I further givethe following negroes, to hold and pofsefs during her natural life,viz. Danton little Jack, Kate, Hampton, Prince, Richmond, Effy, andAmos and at her death these eight negroes, and their increase, to beequally divided between my daughter Sarah A. Knox, and my four sons;the share that may fall to my daughter Sarah A. Knox. I will the useand pofsefsion of to her, during her natural life, at her death thesame share to go to, and be forever vested in the ifsue of her bodythe share or shares which may fall to each of my four sons under thisfirst Item of my will I will to them and their heirs forever Item2nd I Will and Bequeath to my son James E. and to my son John B. thefollowing negroes, viz. Yellow Jack, Dayton, Nelly, Betty, and herfive children-also a note of hand now due me by my brother Dr.

J. R. Witherspoon - also two notes of hand now dueme by Edward Anderson and I. Way. Anderson; also Ramsayíshistory of the U. S. - Witherspoonís works - the Spectator -Republick of letters and Newtonís works to them and theirheirs forever.

Item 3rd To my daughter S. A. Knox I Will andBequeath the following negroes viz. Joe Tilla and her three youngestchildren viz Hester. Flander and Delia during her natural life at herdeath these five negroes and their increase to be forever vested inthe ifsue of her body.

Item 4th I Will and Bequeath to my two sons ThomasM. and Hamilton G. the residue of my negroes; also the whole of myplantation lands and houses in Salem called Coldsteam; also my stockof horses cattle and hogs my provisions of every kind - all myhousehold and kitchen furniture - balance of Library and plantationtools to them and their heirs forever. It is however my express. willand desire that my beloved Wife continue to occupy use and pofsefs myhouses and lands called Coldsteam in common with my two Sons. ThomasM. and Hamilton G. as well as the provisions furniture stock Carriage&c during the remainder of her life - My two sons Thomas andHamilton to pay to the Theological Seminary at Columbia S. C. onehundred dollars - to the Treasurer of the Southern Board of ForeignMifsions one hundred dollars and to the posthumous child of mydeceased nephew G W Witherspoon one hundred dollars - Lastly Inominate and appoint my esteemed sister Mary W. Muldrow my Executrixmy three sons James E. John B. and Thomas M.-my valued friends HughWilson, James E. Wilson, J. J. Knox, and John T. James, Executors ofthis my last Will and Testament- And I do hereby revoke disannul, andmake void all former Wills and Testaments, confirming this, and thisonly, to be my last Will and Testament In witnefs whereof, I havehereunto set my hand and seal, the day and the year, abovewritten


R. Witherspoon (SEAL)

Signed sealed published and declared in thepresence of

John Harrington

Wm Wilson

Wm M. Reid


Recorded Will Book M, Page 63

Recorded Oct. 25th, 1837

William Lewis - Ordy. S.D.

Bundle 102- Package 6



The following addition though informal I wish mychildren to fulfill as part of my last Will and Testament-

My dear Wife who by reason of long mentalafflection I consider at this time not compos mentis

not capable of managing or disposing of propertyor of being an Executrix of my Estate; therefore the property I havebequeathed to her in my Will is only to her during her natural life:I earnestly enjoin it on my dear children & my Executrix andExecutors to see her carefully & affectionately treated andnursed. her situation to be made as comfortable as in their power andthe means left in their hands. I further enjoin that my son Hamiltonreceive a liberal education & be trained to sober to virtuous andindustrious habits - to Remember his Creator in the days of his youth- Let only a sober, steady & humane man be employed to oversee mypoor & helplefs slaves who I hope will always when there isopportunity attend the teaching of the Church- To Amos I give everySaturday in the year - to old Lucy I give five dollars per year - toold Tena black cloth for a drefs To John- old Peter- Amos &Danton I give my wearing apparel To Joseph Loyd I give all my ownwild cattle ranging about the cow-bay in my own mark - but not thosecattle in the mark of Thomas and Hamilton.

To my friend & the friend of mankind in thegospel the rev.d Dr. John Witherspoon of Camden I give my Ivoryheaded cane

To my dear little name sake Robert W. Wilson Igive a gold eagle - To Robert W- Morgan son of my esteemed friend therev.d Mr Morgan of Alabama I give a gold eagle - To Robert W. Danielson of my friend John Daniel I give two cows and calves - To my goodfriend William Beard I give my Sulkey and harnefs - To my daughterSarah Ann after the death of my dear Wife, my carriage and harnefs -Witnefs my hand this 1st day of June 1837


R. Witherspoon


Having rec.d of my brother Dr. J. R. Witherspoonthe full amount of his note which I had bequeathed to James & BenI hereby in lieu of said note give to James & Ben the note due me

by my son James E. Witherspoon-

R. W.