In the Name of God Amen. I Roland John Williams ofthe State of South Carolina and the District of Sumter Planter beingMindful of my Mortality do this___ day of ____ in the Year of OurLord One Thousand Eight and ____ make and publish this my last Willand Testament in the Manner following, First I desire to be decentlyBuried in a Christian like Manner without any Funeral Pomp and withas little expence as may be necefsary. Also. I give and bequeath untoMy Beloved Wife Ann Williams One Negroe girl Named Nancey, One NegroeBoy Named Tom. All my household and Kitchen furniture, my familyBible, also All my Stock of every kind, and also all my PlantationTools and Implements of Husbandry, for her to dispose of as she seesproper or to her and Her heirs forever. Also, I give and bequeathunto My Daughter Harriot formerly the wife of Ransom ONeall Also MySon John R--Williams also My Daughter Juliett the Wife of MatthewRamsey, All the Negroes gave off to them at their time of Marriagewhich was acknowledged in a deed of gift I gave to them at the deathof their Mother, which deed I here acknowledge to be good and for theSeveral Negroes gave of to them, Seperately to them and their Heirsforever. Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Rich.d H. Williams thefive Negroes which are Named in a Deed of Gift which I gave him forhim to dispose of as he sees proper or to him and his heirs foreverAlso It is my wish and desire that all the rest of My Negroes andOther Property that I may have at my Decease Shall remain in thePofsefsion of my wife Ann Williams during her life time for herSupport and Maintainance and if any Surplus should be remaining fromthe Crops maid by said Negroes after paying All expenses that mayOccur I wish such Surplus to go toward paying my Just debts it isalso my wish that should there be any Debts prefsing (of myContracting) after my decease that my Executors hereafter Named,shall select such property (not already gave away) as they think canbest be spared and Sell it so as to discharge the Same, it is my Wishas long as My Son Richard H Williams lives with his Mother and Workswhat Negroes he has I wish them Jointly to be Supported out of theWhole of the Estate which is loaned to my Wife, it is my Wish andDesire at the Death of My Wife Ann Williams All the Negroes withtheir increase that I have loaned her (should no one be sold for myDebts) be equally divided between my four Children Namely HarriottJohn Juliett & Richard and to go to them and their Heirsforever.

I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Wife AnnWilliams as Executrix and my Two friends Richard Singleton and WillisRamsey as Executors to this my last Will and Testament. Herebyrevoking and Making Void all and every Other Will or Wills at anytime or times heretofore by me made And do declare this to be my lastWill and Testament. In Witnefs whereof I have Set my hand and Sealthis day and date above Written


R. J. Williams (SEAL)


Signed and Acknowledged in presence of us-

Benj. Goodman

Francis Spring


Recorded Will Book AA, Page 322

Recorded October 12th, 1821

William Potts, Ord.y S.D.

Bundle 97, Package 12