In the name of God Amen.

This the twenty-seventh of November, in the yearof Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, I Mary Tock ofSumter District in the State of South Carolina, being of fullstrength of body , mind and memory, So make, Constitute and ordainthis my last will and Testament.


First and principally I tender my Soul immortal,to God who gave it, Steadfastly trusting in his Divine Mercy, and theintersession of Jesus Christ our blessed Lord and Saviour foreverlasting life. And as touching my worldly goods, wherewith ithath pleased God of his infinite goodness and mercy to endow me inthis life, I do give bequeath and dispose of in the following mannerand form.


Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my well belovedBrother Joseph Jenkins as a testimony of my affectionate remembranceof him, all my Books, consisting of four volumes of Blairs Sermons,one large prayer book, three volumes of Harvey's dialogues, and somefew others of inconsiderable value; my Spectacles, and one third partof all the money, Bonds and Notes that I may leave at my decease tobe delivered by my Executors.


Item, I give and bequeath to my two nieces Maryand Elizabeth Grimes, (the daughters of my Sister Jane,) all mywearing apparel, my chest of drawers, and five trunks with all thecontents, and two thirds of all the money, Bonds and Notes that Imay leave at my decease, and not herein before disposed of, to bedelivered by my Executors, and to be equally divided between them,share and share alike.


Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew J.Williamson (the Second Son of my Sister Elizabeth) the use of mynegroes Silly, her son Hercules, and her daughter Polly with alltheir future issue and increase, during his natural life, and at hisdecease I will and bequeath the said negroes with all their futureissue and increase to his heirs lawfully begotten, to be equallydivided among them share and share alike.


Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew DavidJordan (the eldest Son of my Sister Elizabeth) the use of my negreeswoman Penny with her future issue and increase during her naturallife, and at his decease I will and bequeath the said negro Pennywith all her future issue and increase to his heirs lawfullybegotten, to be equally divided among them Share & Share alike.


Item, I give and bequeath to my friend Ann C.Richardson my Bed, bolster and pillows which I use in common, and myplain gold Ring to be accepted by her in remembrance of myfriendship.


Item, I give and bequeath to my friend Florida B.Richardson my Silver Snuff Box to be accepted in remembrance ofme.


Item, I give and bequeath to my three youngfriends the following articles Viz. to Emma S. Richardson Themahongany Bedstead, To Camilla F. Richardson my other feather bed,and to Anna M. Richardson my mattress, requesting they would eachaccept this small donation for their friend,


Lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute andappoint my friends James B. Richardson and Charles RichardsonExecutors to this my last will and Testament, utterly revoking,disavowing and disallowing all other wills or wills, Testament orTestaments by me made, and acknowledging this and no other to be mylast will and Testament, contained on these three pages of paper, andto be construed in the liberal and literal sense and meaning. Inwitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, the day andyear first abovewritten.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Signed, Sealed, acknowledged,

pronounced and declared to be

my last Will and Testament in

the presence of each subscribing



Mary Tock (Seal)


Margaret Canty Richardson


Sarah Jane Cedelia Richardson


John Boyd Junr.


Recorded Will Book AA, Page 126

Recorded July 7th, 1818

Willm. Potts, Ord.S.D.

Bundle 92-Package 6.