In the name of God Amen.

I Joseph Sylvester of Sumter District in SouthCarolina--Being weak of body, but in perfect soundnefs of mind andmemory, for which I humbly desire to thank god, do make constitute,and ordain, this to be my last will & Testament in the manner andForm following. Viz. First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God whogave it. and my body to be buried in a decent manner. As to myworldly goods of which I am at present pofsefs'd I will and disposeof them in the following manner. Viz. In the first place I will thatout of the present Crop of Cotton on my Plantation all my Just debtsand Funeral expences be discharged. Secondly. I give and bequeathunto My Beloved Wife Martha Sylvester entirely and exclusively to herown disposal&emdash;My Negro man, Ben, and my negro woman Pat withher Children Abe, Maria, & Serena, with their usufruct &ifsue, to her and her Heirs forever--together with my riding Chairand Horse called Tarleton, and all my Household & KitchinFurniture--except three Beds and furniture to my Children ashereafter mentioned--I also will that my said beloved Wife do occupyand pofsefs my dwelling house and out houses attached to it and FiftyAcres of Land during her natural life at her death the house and Landto be equally divided between my then surviving Children or theirHeirs, I will that my executors hereafter named do sell to the bestadvantage for the benefit of my Children my Bay Gelding namedBacchus. I give and bequeath to my beloved Mother Martha West FiftyDollars. I give and bequeath unto my three Children Joseph HSylvester, Mary I Sylvester & Frances E. Sylvester. All theremainder of my Property both real and personal to be equally dividedamongst them Share and Share alike as they become of age or areMarried-and as they receive their share of Property each to receive aBed and Furniture. I will that my negroes be continued, to Labour onthe Plantation as heretofore until my Children respectively come ofage and receive their portion, and also that my stock of every kindwith all my Plantation utensils, Waggon & be continued for theuse of the Plantation, & for the support of my wife during herwidowhood & of my Children--And I do hereby solemnly enjoin it onmy executors hereafter Named that they bestow particular care on theEducation of my Dear Children--bestowing on them such tuition as theyin their discretion shall see fit. I do hereby constitute and appointmy Brother James Sylvester and my Friend James Gray to be executorsof this my last will and Testament--and I do hereby annull all formerwills made by me. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand& seal this Eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lordone Thousand Eight Hundred and twelve---


Joseph Sylvester (SEAL)


Signed & sealed in presence of

Jn.o Murray

Sam.l I Murray

Milton Jn.o Mellet


Recorded in Will Book A, page 136

Recorded December 11th 1812

Bundle 106, Pkge 7