In the Name of God, Amen. I Elizabeth Singleton,of the Town of Manchester in the County of Clarendon Widow being inhealth and haveing Sound and disposing Mind & Memory Praised beGod for the same do Make and declare this My last Will and testamentin Manner & form following.

1st I give, devise and bequeath unto My Son RobertSingleton and the Heirs of his boddy Lawfully begotten the followingNamed Negroes togather with their future isue & increas to WitDick, Lucy, Henry-Ceasor and Young Antony:

Secondly--I Give, devise & bequeath unto mySon Sherwood James Singleton and to the heirs of his boddy Lawfullybegotten the following Named Negroes togather with their future IsueAnd increas to Wit Belly-Peggy-Sam-Paul and Barny; And in Case My SonSherwood James Singleton shall hapen to die without leaving isue ofhis boddy Lawfully begotten then & in that Case my Will is thatthe Negroes & their future Isue & increas, above given to mySon Sherwood James Singleton shall pafs to My Son Robert Singleton& the heirs of his boddy Lawfully begotten

3d I Give devise & bequeath unto My GrandChildren Elizabeth Jane Falconer Martha Falconer Nancy Falconer andWilliam Joseph Falconer and to the heirs of their boddy Lawfullybegotten the following Named Negroes with all their future isue &increas to wit--Nance-George, Disy- venus-Ned-Patience-Isac-betty andLydia to be Equally divided between the above Mentioned GrandChildren, when the Eldest of the above Mentioned Grand Children shallMarry or arrive at the Age of Eighteen Years; And in case any of theabove Mentioned Grand Children should hapen to die without leavingisue of his, her or their boddys lawfully begotten then and in thatCase his-her or their part or parts to be equally divided amongst theabove Mentioned surviving Grand Child-or Children to them and theheirs of their boddy Lawfully begotten And in case all the aboveMentioned Grand Children should hapen to die without leaving isue oftheir boddies Lawfully begotten then & in that case my will isthat the Negroes with all their future isue & increas that I gaveto my Grand Children above Mentioned shall pafs to My two sons Robert& Sherwood James Singleton to them & the heirs of their boddyLawfully begotten And in case Sherwood James Singleton should diewithout leaving isue of his boddy lawfully begotten then his part toreturn to my son Robert Singleton to him & the heirs of boddylawfully begotten Also I give grant & devise unto my Son RobertSingleton all that My house or tenement land and lots andheredetaments in the town of Manchester in the County of Clarmont andnow in the tenure or Occupation of myself to him & his Heirsforever Also I Give Grant and devise unto my son Sherwood JamesSingleton all that my Stock of black Cattle & Hogs--also the rest& residue and remainder of my Estate and effects of what Natureor Kind soever to gather with my houshold & Kitchen furniture; IGive Grant and devise unto my two sons Robert and Sherwood JamesSingleton Share and Share alike to them & their Heirsforever---Also my Will is that in liu House & Lotts &furniture & Stock, my Son Robert Singleton shall pay unto myGrand Children above mentioned the sum of four hundred dollars Alsothat my son Sherwood James Singleton shall pay my Grand Childrenabove Mentioned the sum of four hundred dollars as said GrandChildren shall marry or become Eighteen years of Age to be Equallydivided amongst said Grand Children--Also my will is that oald Antonyand lear be set free by my Executors; also that Nora shall wait uppon& live with lear during her Natural life: Also My will is myExecutors shall pay to Mary Miller three Cow & Calves and one bedand furniture--Lastly I nominate Constitute and Appoint My two SonsRobert Singleton & Sherwood James Singleton Executors to this mylast Will & testament---In testimony whereof I the said ElizabethSingleton have hereunto set my hand & seal this second day ofJuly in the year of Our lord one thousand Eight hundred &Nineteen.


Elizabeth x Singleton (SEAL)



Signed Sealed and delivered and published by theabove Named Elizabeth Singleton the testatrix as and for her lastwill & testament; the above Erasement then in being first madeNamely the word following (the following Named Negroes to) Erased--AsAnd for her last Will and testament in the presence of us who at herrequest and in her presence have subscribed Our Names as Witnefses tothe same


Francis Spring

Robert M Compton

William Cooley


Recorded in Will Book AA page 276

Recorded August 15 1821

William Potts Ordy S. D.

Bundle 101 Pkge 16