In the name of God amen I Jeremiah Rhame ofClarendon County Sumter District and State of South Carolina Planterbeing of sound mind, memory and understanding for which I thank Goddo make this my last Will and testament as follows to wit. First myBody to be Buried in Christian like manner- Secondley I give andbequeath to my wife Hannah Rhame one Horse and riding chair to bepurchased for her by my executors out of the proceeds of the Crop tobe made on my Plantation the present year also the liberty orpriviledge of living in the dwelling house occupied by me at thistime and a suitable maintenance out of the annual proceeds of myestate during her natural life or continuance on the Plantationwhereon I now live or should she prefer leaving my house and refusethe provision above mentioned for her maintenance it is my will anddesire that the negroes which I got by my intermarriage with her begiven up to her on the following conditions and no other to wit afterall the money has been paid to my estate from the estate which I gotwith her which I have expended for or on account of her debts and thedebts due by the estate I got with her and farther after the Bondgiven by my self and my Brothers Bradley Rhame and Asa Rhame havebeen cancelled or given up to my Executors by her or some otherperson in her behalf which Bond was given for the return of thenegroes or for their not being carried out of the State which I gotby my intermarriage with her &endash; This bequeath or otherwiserelinquishment of negroes on the terms specified is in lieu of Dowerand intended as bar to the same and all other claims against myestate or any part thereof-----------------------
Thirdly It is my will that my son Abel Rhame beeducated suitable to his station at the defcretion of my Executorsout of the proceeds of my estate exclusive of his proportionate partof theestate--------------------------------------------------------------------
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my son Levy FRhame five hundred Dollars as compensation for his services insuperintending my bufinefs the three last years and the presentyear------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The rest, residue, and remainder of my estate bothreal and personal alto be equally divided amongst my Children afterthe payments of all my Just debts by my executors&emdash;
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my SonsLevy F Rhame and Obadiah Rhame Executors to this my last will andtestament in witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and sealthis fourteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and twentytwo
Signed Sealed and
Acknowledged in presence
Of us------------------------
John Boyd Junr Jeremiah Rhame (SEAL)
Richard Thames
Frances B Nixon Jr
(Recorded in Will Book AA Pge 353)
Recorded 6th Day of May 1822
William Potts Ordy
Bundle 82 Pkge 2