In the name of God Amen.

I John Murray being ill in body, but of perfectmind and Memory-thanks be given to Almighty God-Do make, and ordainthis to be my last will and testament. Viz. In the first place Ihumbly consign my soul to God who gave it, and my Body to the earthto be buried in a decent unostentatious manner, at the discreation ofmy Executors hereafter named-in humble hopes of a blefsed immortalitythrough Jesus Christ my Saviour- and as to the property with whichGod has blefsed me I will and ordain as follows - First I will thatall my Just debts, and funeral charges be paid. Secondly - Ibequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Murray during hernatural life the following property viz - Nine Negroes named OldSahina, Strephon, pamela, Dennis, Tom, Caleb, Sophy and her twochildren Dundee, & Nero with the increase of the females - thehouse where we now live and furniture, except such part as mayafterwards be excepted - the Carriage and two Carriage Horses withall the rest of the Stock (horses & mules excepted) upon thisplantation where we now live-and fifty acres of land most convenientto the house-to her during her natural life, and at her death thewhole of the above named property to my son Samuel John Murray &his heirs forever. Thirdly - I bequeath to my oldest daughterElizabeth Hughes Lang a certain tract of uncultivated Land lyingbetween Black River & Black Mingo Creek - and the following namedNegroes Viz - Cardace & her three children Alec, Henry, &Louisa, John, Charlotte & her two Children Cameron & Dinah.Bella and Dolly. these being already in her pofsesion - Prince -Binah, Jim, Lucy, Ben, Paris, Toney, George & Billy with theincrease of the females to her & her heirs forever - no part ofthe above named property to be subject to any incumberances of herpresent or any future husband, except the land named in this bequestwhich I am willing should be sold. Fourthly - I bequeath unto mydaughter Sarah Margaret Murray a tract of Land which I now cultivateadjoining Lands of Mr. Spann. Mr. Potts Mr. Nelson & Mr. Knox.also my riding Chair and a Horse named Wilkes together with thefollowing Negroes Viz Old Daphne Sylvia & her children Frederick,Alfred, Rose, Flora, Adam, Betty, Delia & her child Hannah. Tinah& her children Peter, Daphne, Sally, Emily & Abba- her maidAmey with the increase of the females to her & her heirs forever,subject to the like restriction with regard to her future husband,(if she shall ever marry) as mentioned in the bequest to my oldestdaughter- Fifthly- I bequeath unto my Grand daughter Elizabeth HughesLang, a Negro girl named Nanny to her & her heirs forever. alsoto my Grand daughter Mary Susan Lang a negro girl named Joan to her& her heirs forever- Sixthly - I bequeath all the rest of myproperty Real and personal not before named to my Son Samuel JohnMurray and his heirs forever. I do hereby appoint My Son Samuel JohnMurray, My Son in Law James Wilson Lang, My Brother in Law SamuelEdgar Nelson to be executors of this My last Will. And I do herebydeclare this to be My last Will and Testament at My Plantation calledGrove Hill in Claremont County Sumter District-S. C. This thefifteenth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred& fifteen - The words ìhas blefsedî in the sixthline interlined before signed-


Jn.o Murray (SEAL)


In presence of

John M. Roberts

Sam.l T. Potts

William Potts


Recorded Will Book AA, Page 14

Recorded February 19th, 1816

William Potts, Q. U.

Bundle 69 - Package 2.