State of South Carolina

Sumter District


In the Name of God Amen, I John McKnight of theState and District aforesaid, planter, being weak of body but ofsound and disposing mind and memory do make and constitute this mylast Will and Testament in manner and form following, toWit----------------------------------------------


Imprimus - I will and bequeath unto my belovedwife Mary all my real and personal property, whatsoever, lands,Stock, house hold & kitchen furniture, &c &c, to have& to hold the same during the term of her natural life or whilstshe remains my widow; Provided nevertheless that she do, out of saidproperty pay all my just and lawful debts, by disposing of whateverpart she may think fit for said purpose-----And at her death it is mywish & desire that what balance of my property be then remainingshall be divided between my daughter Sarah and my little granddaughter Hester K. B. McKnight, in such manner as my said wife Mary,during her life may have thought expedient; that is I wish it to bediscretional with her in what proportion the said remaining propertyshall be divided between, my aforementioned daughter Sarah and granddaughterHester------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Item - I wish it to be distinctly understood thatit is my will & desire, that, should my said wife Mary, marryagain, then & in that case, my said daughter Sarah shall have allthe before mentioned property, with the exception of a bed &furniture and Two cows & calves, which I will & bequeath tomy said grand daughter Hester, immediately on the expiration of thewidowhood of my said wife, should such event ever take place. Otherwise all to remain as mentioned in the first part of this mywill.


Lastly - I do hereby nominate & appoint myfriend Thos Rose Junr and my friend Jacob Wheeler Executors of thismy last Will & Testament hereby revoking all other wills by me atany time heretofore made.


In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand& Seal this 28th day of March in the year of our Lord OneThousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight and of the Independence ofthe United States the Sixty Second.


John McKnight (SEAL)


Signed Sealed and Delivered

In the presence of us who

have here unto signed our names

as witness of the same------

James Smith

James M. Baker

James Lowry


(Recorded in Will Book M Pge 79)

Recorded 24 Day of April 1838

William Lewis Ordy

Bundle 67 Pkge 5