The State of South Carolina


In the name of God Amen---I Mary MacCollugh ofClaremont County in Sumter District in the State aforesaid, Spinster,Considering the uncertainty of this Mortal Life, and being of asound, perfect and disposing Mind and Memory, Blefsed be God for thesame, tho weak in Body, do make and publish this to be my last Willand Testament, in manner and form following, That is to Say, First ofall I recommend my Soul to Almighty God the Father and giver of allthings hoping for Eternal happinefs through the merit of my BlefsedRedeemer Jesus Christ, my Body to be Intered at the discretion of myFriends, and as to my worldly estate which God hath been pleased tobestow on me, I give and dispose of as follows---Imprimis. I will andorder that all my Just debts which I owe be fully paid as hereaftermentioned---Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Judith White,a Negro Wench named Sue, her & her increase to her and her Ifsueforever. provided the exchange made with my son Samuel, of wenchDolly and Child Venus, for said Wench Sue and ditto Bella, shouldstand good, And in case it does, I give and bequeath unto my SonSamuel Grier a Boy named Billy to him and his lawful ifsue for ever-And if it should not continue to be an exchange, as before mentioned,in that case it is my Will and desire that my daughter Judith Whiteshould have the Wench Dolly and her child Venus in the place of WenchSue, as before mentioned. Item. I give and bequeath unto my SonThomas M. Grier, a negro fellow named Hardtime, to him and his lawfulifsue for ever--Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ElizaMacCollugh five negroes, to wit, Wench Bella, and Girl Phebe, WenchBeck and her two Children Sophia and John, them and their increase toher and her Ifsue for ever.--Item I give and bequeath unto my sonJames M. Grier, a Mahogany Table, which is in his pofsefsion at thistime, to him and his ifsue forever--- Item. I give and bequeath untomy Grand Son William Gambol Grier a negro Boy named Struffon, to himand his lawful ifsue forever-- Item. It is my Will and desire thatwhat ever part of Property may be coming to me from the Estate of Mr.Nathaniel MacCollugh, shall be equally divided between my grandChildren, to wit, James Henry Britton, Mary Ann Britton, James GrierWhite, and Charlotte White Share and Share alike, to them and theirlawful ifsue forever--- Item. I give and bequeath unto my two Sons,Thomas M. Grier, and Samuel Grier, each of them a Feather-Bed,furniture and Mattrafs, to them and their lawful ifsue forever--Item.I give and bequeath unto my grand daughter Mary Ann White aFeather-Bed, to her and her lawful ifsue forever--Item. I give andbequeath unto my daughter Eliza MacCollugh the remainder of my Bedsand Beding, that were not before bequeathed, to her and her lawfulifsue forever--Item. It is my Will and desire that if any of thepersons above named should die without leaving Ifsue, in that case,the Property willed to the deceased person or persons to be equallydivided amongst the surviving Brothers and Sisters of the deceased,Share and Share alike--Item. It is my will and desire that my Landsshall be sold, either at Publick, or private sale, as those who mayhave the Management of my Estate shall think best, and I give thempower to make Titles to the same--Item It is my will and desire thatthe remainder of my Estate not already, or before bequeathed, shallbe sold at Publick Auction and the money arising from it, together,with that from the Sale of the Land, to go in discharge of my Justdebts--And in case there should be any balance that to be equallydivided between my four grand children, to wit, James Henry Britton,Marry Ann Britton James Grier White and Charlotte White, to them andtheir Ifsue forever--And lastly. I do hereby Nominate, make andConstitute my Friends Henry Britton, and Joseph White to be Executorsto this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making voidall other former Wills and Testaments heretofore made byme--Declaring this and this only to be my last Will and Testament. InWitnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal This Eighth dayof November. In the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred andEleven And in the Thirty-Sixth year of AmericanIndependence---


Mary McCollugh (SEAL)



The word Heirs in the sixtenth line, written,Issue, was done before the signing and Sealing of this instrument ofwriting, as also the word, should, in the Twenty-second line waserased, and the word, lawful, between the thirty-third andthirty-fourth lines, as well as the words, be any balance, betweenthe Sixteth and Sixty first lines, were all interlined, before thesaid instrument of writting was executed---


Signed, Sealed, declared, and Published, by thesaid Mary MacCollugh, The Testator, as and for her last will andTestament, in the presence of us, who have subscribed our Names asWitnefses hereto in the presence of each other---

Noel Vaughan Sen.r

Noel Vaughan Jun.r

Leonard White


Recorded in Will Book A page 98

Recorded February 3rd 1812

William Taylor ordy S.D.

Bundle 63 Pkge 5