Will of Mary Maples


On November 27, 1801, the records of SumterDistrict (with the records of the former counties of Salem,Clarendon, and Claremont) perished in a fire. The will of Mary Maplessurvived in an executor's copy and was filed with the Sumter ProbateRecords (Bundle 62, Package 10). The original and film copies are atSouth Carolina Archives. Source: SCMAR, Vol. XII, No. 1,p.4


24th October 1793. Mary Maples of St. Mark'sParish, Clarendon County, South Carolina. to my beloved grandchildrenRichard Maples and Willis Maples, a Negro apiece, named Jacob andQuash, not to be liable to the debts of their father, and in case ofeither dying before the age of twenty one, then to my belovedgrandchildren Richard and Matthew Maples; to my grandchildren Richardand Mary Singleton, a negro apiece, Stephen & Leah, not to besubject to the debts of their father, and if they should die beforethe age of twenty one, to my grandchildren Hiram and Jehu Singleton;to my granddaughter Susannah Stone, a negro girl Hetty, not to beliable to the debts of her father in law, or any future husband; ifshe should die before the age of twenty one, then to my grandsonSamuel Stone; to my granddaughter Lovey Cantey, a negro girl Flora,not subject to the debts of her father in law or future husband; ifshe dies then to my granddaughters Martha and Naomi Cantey; to mygranddaughter Mary Dukes, a negro girl Lizette, also my narrowstriped bed, bedstead and furniture; if she should die, then to mygrandchildren Charles and Naomi Dukes; to my granddaughter DorothyMaples, a negro wench Jenney, daughter of old Jenney, one largestriped bed; if she dies then to my beloved daughter Lovey Maples; tomy daughter Lovey Maples, old Jennedy and Damon, and remainder ofestate, but she is to take care of my grandchildren Mary, Charles andNaomi Dukes; £ 50 old currency, and £ 20 sterling due me byWilliam Dukes for the hire of Stephen and Jacob, shall be placed at adiscount, or sett off against an illegal demand, which I am told hewill bring against my estate. My friends Thomas Nighting Johnson andJames Burchil Richardson, exrs.

Wit: Wm Tims Junr.

William Terry.


Mary her X mark Maples (LS)

A true copy. Wm. Humphrey, Clerk.

Proved in open court, 27 March 1794 by WilliamTerry.

The original will of Mrs. Mary Maples was burnt inthe office and this is

the only copy known to be extant, and was loanedto me by J. B. Richardson,

one of the executors, in March 1822.