In the Name of God Amen---
I Isaac Lenoir of the State of South Carolina andSumter District- being somewhat indisposed but thanks be to God ofperfect mind, and memory, and knowing that it is appointed for allmen once to die I do hereby ordain and make this my last Will andTestament Viz. Principally, and first of all, I give and recommend mysoul into the hand of Almighty God who gave it, and touching suchworldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Him to blefs me with in thislife I give and bequeath in the following manner---
Item, My Will and desire is that my whole Estate,both real and Personal be kept together, and managed to the bestadvantage untill all my Just and lawfull debts be dicharged, and sonIsaac educated out of the same without any seperate expence tohim.---
Item, give and bequeath unto my beloved wifeMartha Lenoir one negro man named Harry, one negro woman named Befsand a Negro Girl named Lucy, Also one dark bay horse known by thename of big Jack, one riding Chair, and harnefs for her realdisposal, either in life or death---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my eldest son John,one Negro man named Charles, to him and his Heirs forever.---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Negro man named Forrister to him and his Heirs forever---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Isaac, oneNegro Boy named Billey to him and his Heirs forever.---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William, oneNegro Boy named Mike, to him and his Heirs forever.---
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter MaryBarnes one Negro Woman named Milley and her increase to her and herHeirs, Heirs of her body for ever.---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter SarahThompson one Negro Girl named Juda and her increase to her and herHeirs, Heirs of her body forever.---
Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter LeahHall one Negro Woman named Nelley and her increase to her and herHeirs, Heirs of her body forever.---
Item, I lend unto my beloved Wife Martha, duringher natural life the following negroes Viz. Friday, Hannah his wife,Samuel, Phillis, Lucinda, Fanny, and Peter, which said negroes withtheir increase I will and bequeath at the death of my said wife to beequally divided among all my Children, Viz Mary Barnes, SarahThompson, Leah Hall, John, Francis B. Isaac and William Lenoirs, tobe inherited by them & their Heirs, Heirs of their bodiesforever.---
Item, I give and bequeath unto all my ChildrenViz. Mary, Sarah, Leah, John, Francis B, Isaac and William-elevenother Negros with their increase, Named as follows, say Susannah,Toney, Matthew, Robin, Sealy, Sharper, Jack, Lewis, Tamer, Dolley andSilvia, eleven in all, after all my debts being Paid, to be equallyas pofsible dived among them and their Heirs, Heirs of their bodiesforever---
Item, As touching my lands, that is the tractwhereon I now live I detach off from the main body that part whichlies on the North side of a stream called Gum swamp Viz, all eastfrom an old path line called (V?)alones path from where the sameleads of from said branch and striches Colo. C. Polks line, thenceeast along Polks line, to my corner thence So. West (or nearly) towhere my land Strikes said Gum Swamp, and down the same to the saidold path which Parcel of land, I give and bequeath unto my four sonsto be laid out in four equal lots so that each lot shall have thesame width a Crop the road which leads from Stateburg to Gen.lSumters landing, the lot adjoining Colo. Polks land, and whereon mystore house stands, I give and bequeath unto my son Francis B. to himand his Heirs forever.--- The next lot adjoining there, and where anew building now erecting, I give and bequeath unto my son John tohim and heirs forever.---The third and that adjoining John I give andbequeath unto my son Isaac to him and his Heirs forever. The fourthand last adjoining Isaac I give and bequeath unto my son William tohim and his Heirs forever.--My will and desire is also that the maintract whereon I now live be laid out into equal parcels that four,and the one whereon my dwelling house now stands I give for thebenefit of my wife, unto my Youngest son William that his Mother mayenjoy the same her life after which I give and bequeath unto him andto his Heirs forever--- The other three tracts or parcels I will thatafter they are all laid out that my three eldest sons by distinction,draws for them, and which so drawn for land I give & bequeath,distinctly to them and their Heirs forever,---
Item I give and bequeath one Tract of Land lyingon the Horsepen Branch in Kershaw District in this State, and oneother Tract lying & being in the State of Georgia in WashingtonCounty near a Creek called Williamsons Swamp, all of which tract, Igive to be sold and the money equally divided among my threedaughters Viz. Mary Barnes, Sarah Thompson, & Leah Hall to them& to their Heirs, Heirs of their body forever.---
Item, I give to my wife Martha during her naturallife for her support, and benefit, three Horses, say Jimmey Brook,Jack Laneafter and Faneys Colt, one old Waggon and Geers, Twenty headof Cattle, Ten head of Sheep, four sows and Pigs, Twelve Year Old Hogand, after giving each of my sons one Feather Bed and furniture forher to have the residue, with all the Geese and Poultry &c. alsoI give her thro discrtion of my Executors a Sufficient quantily ofPlantation Uttensils as well as other Household & Kitchenfurniture that may serve for her real benefit during her naturallife.---
Item, All the residure of my stock of horses,Cattle, Hogs sheep Plantation Uttensils, Household & Kitchenfurniture, with every other Species of articles belonging to myEstate, I will to be sold & the money arising therefrom to beequally divided amongst all my Children, which I give unto them andtheir Heirs forever.---
Item, Neverthelefs, should either of my sons, thatis Isaac or William Die before they arrive to the Years of Twenty onethen my will and desire is that the lands appointed them be equallyDivided among the Other Surviving Boys which I give to them and theirHeirs forever.--- My Will and desire is that so long as my trustyfriend Thomas Andrews may think fit to live in my family that he maybe found every reasonable and comfortable Accomodation withoutexpence to himself.---
Item, I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Son inLaw James Barnes, and my Sons John & Francis, Executors to thismy Will and Testament, annuling, revoking and making void all Otherheretofore made by me, To which I afsign Seal and deliver as my lastWill and Testament this twentieth day of August in the Year of OurLord One thousand Eight hundred and eight---
Isaac Lenoir (SEAL)
Signed in the presence of
Jas Howard
John Atkinson
Robert Andrews
Recorded in Will Book "A" Pge 68
Recorded 7th Day of Nov. 1808
William Taylor Ordy
Bundle 58 Pkge 5