Will of William Humphrey


In the name of God Amen I William Humphrey of theState South Carolina Clarendon County; Being weak of Body but ofperfect mind and memory, Do think It best to make and Ordain this mylast Will and Testament-And as teching Such Worldly Goods as it has pleased God to Blefs me with in this life-- I Will and dispose ofthem in the fol- lowing Manner Imprimis I give and Recommend MySoul, unto the hands of Almighty God not doubting but I Shallreceive the Same at the last day.

Item, My Will and desire is that all My Just debtsbe Paid out of the whole of my Estate, for that purpose My Will anddesire is that My Executors hereafter named May Sell any part orparcel of My Lands Except the Lands hereafter pointed out for Mybeloved Wife and Daughter.

Item, I give and bequeath unto My beloved WifeCatharine five hundred Acres of Land to be taken of at Tawcaw wherethe Houses now Stand To her and her Heirs forever &emdash; Item, Igive unto My beloved Daughter Eliza Elizabeth Avalina Humphrey fiveHundred Acres Land on Potatoes Creek or where My Wife thinks best toher & forever Item I give and bequeath to my beloved WifeCatharine the following Negroes by Name - Jinny and her Six ChildrenViz Verus. Clarefsa Susanna Billy Dorcas & Binky and Jim to herand her Heirs forever.

Item I give unto My beloved Daughter ElizaElizabeth Avalina the Following Negroes by Name Sarah Daniel Mary AnnCain Cumboo -Tom Nero & Buster To her and her Heirsforever

Item I likewise give and bequeath unto My belovedDaughter Eliza Elizabeth Avalina Two young Negroes John & PattyTo her and her Heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto My beloved WifeCatharine My Horse Federal and Riding Chair and Harnefs To her andher Heirs forever

Item the Remainder and Residue of My Estate MyWill and Desire is that after My debts is paid that it May be equallydivided between My beloved Wife and Daughter to them and their Heirsforever.

Lastly To Carry this my Last Will and Testamentinto effect IDo Constitute and Appoint My beloved Wife CatharineExecutrix and friend Charles Conyers Michael Birch and GeorgeAndrews Executors to this My Last Will and Testament Whereunto I havehereunto Set My hand and Affix My Seal this 7th July in the year ofour Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and five and in the Independanceof America The Twenty Ninth

Signed & Sealed in the his

Wm X Humphrey (Seal)

Presence of Mark

David Shorter

Sarah Shorter


Tho. x Chapman



Recorded Will Book A. Page 46

Recorded August 6, 1805

Wm Taylor Ord.

Bundle 46 -Package 3.