South Carolina}

Sumter District} In the Name of God Amen, IJames Howard of the State and District aforesaid (Doctor,) being sickand weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory andunderstanding praise be to God for the Same do make and declare thismy last will and Testament in Manner and form as following Viz, Mywill and desire is that all my Estate Shall be kept together until mylawfull debts are paid, after the debts are paid I give and deviseViz. -

First I give and devise Unto My Wife Ann Howardduring her life or WidowHood the following property

-A- to be disposed of among My heirs ExceptElsy which is to go to Carolina at her death, Peter, James, Jacob,Jack,Elsy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-B- I give or lend and bequeath Unto Mydaughter Carolina Jarusha proper The following Negroes Milly,January, Epsy, Bob, Pompy, & Mike, during her Life if CarolinaShould die without an heir of her

-C- Body the property to be Equally dividedbetween her Brothers &Sisters------------------------------------ I give or lend to my Son John James Joseph Howard the following Negroes Viz Jim,Carpenter, Mike, Do, - Mat Ben Sam Nance Will Abby Alfred MoriahBetsy & Henry his Life time in Case of no heirs to his SurvivingSisters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I give or lend to My Daughter Rebecca Ann Howardthe following Negroes Nanny, Binum, Willis,Andrew, Betty, Molly,Tamsel & Mat her sons, in Case of no children to be returned tothe Surviving Brothers &Sisters.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I give or Lend Unto My daughter Leanoro AmandaHoward the following Negroes Meriman, Dolly, William, (Millys Child)- Tozannah, Peter & William Some Times Called Cat, NaneesChildren, & Ransom Nannys Son; Case of her having no childrenafter death to go to the Next Survivingheirs------------------------------------

My will & desire that the above Legatees Ownsthem no longer than there Life time then to be divided among thereChildren that is lawfull Children it is My will that the Proppertyrest in My Family & there Heirs the Place where I now Live to beSold and My debts paid & the Ballance of what Money that is Leftto Purchase a Place that is Convenient to raes Stock or such a Placeas will suit her Howard as a House and home for her Life time Andafter her death to be John James Joseph Howard to do as he Pleaseswith

The Stock & Household property I give unto Mywife to dispose of as She Pleases it is my will that Each childshould Pay according to what is given it its Part of my debts, andthat they should draw a Share of what is Made by Croping On thePlantation (viz) John James Joseph - Rebecca & Leanora as theyare they have had no part & Caroline her property to Make whichIncludes her to pay her part of the debt, I leave Samuel James, JamesH Sylvester & John James Howard my Executors

James Howard (SEAL)

Interlined before Signed the letter (A) whichbeing the 11 from the Top these words "Except Elsy"

The 12 Line Letter (B) these words "or Lend" (C)these words "Divided".


Willie Borough

Jas, McLean

Micah Ward

Recorded Will Book AA, Page 127

Recorded June 17th, 1818

William Potts, Ord.S.D.

Bundle 45 -Package 4.