In the Name of God Amen, I Christopher Garlingtonof Clarendon County Sumter Diftrict Being of Perfect mind and memoryMake this my last will and Teftament in Manner and formfollowing--First after my Departure from this Life I Defire my Bodyto be Decently Buried at the difcretion of my Executors And astouching my worldly Estate such as it pleased God to blefs me with inthis life, I Bequeath and Dispose of in manner and formfollowing.---First I give and Bequeath to my well Beloved DaughterSarah Reddick one Hundred and fifty acres of Land which was GrantedTo Richard Burbage and forty acres more Joining the Same tract beingpart of A tract of Land Granted to Thomas McKlevein to her and theIfsue of her Body For Ever, if she has an Ifsue of her Body thatlives to the age of twenty one years of age in order to takepofsefsion of the Same if she should continue on the Said Land But ifShe Does Not continue on the Said Land Then my Executors to lease orRent the sd Tract of land During her life and the Money to be laidout in Charleston In such Clothing as she may chuse, and at herDeath, if she hath no Ifsue. The said land to be Sold and the moneyEqually Devided amongst the Rest of my Children. Likewise I give andBequeath to my well Beloved Son Criftopher Garlington one Hundred andSixty acres of Land Lying on Cuckolds Branch to him and his Heirs forEver which said land was granted to Thomas Mcklevein. and after myDebts is Paid all the Remaining of my Estate to be sold and the MoneyEqually Devided among five of my Children, Namely. ChristopherGarlington, Jofeph Garlington, Elizabeth Poston, Ann Parfons andHannah Chinners, which said Hannah Chinners part of legacy is to belaid out in Charleston in Such Clothing as she may chuse,-----And Ido hereby Constitute and Appoint my well Beloved Son JofephGarlington & Levi Harrell my Lawful Executors of this my lastWill and Teftiment and I do hereby Utterly Revok, Disallow andDifannull all Former Bequeaths Wills and Legiscies by me heretoforeleft or made Declareing Ratifying and Confirming this and no other tobe my last will and Testiment in Witnefs whereof I have Hereunto setmy hand and Seal this Eleventh day of July in the year of Our Lordone thousand Eight Hundred and one--- Sign.d Seal.d Publish,d anddeclar.d By the within Testator Christopher Garlington to be his lastwill and Testament In the prefants of us who Subscribed our Names asWitnefs in the presance of said Testator-----


Christopher Garlington (SEAL)



Jefse Nettles L.P.

Peter E Brunson

Jefse Nettles Jun.r

(Recorded in Will Book A page 62)

(Recorded March 15th 1808)

Jefse Nettles J.P.

Bundle 42 Pkge 8