State of South Carolina, Sumter District

I Sarah Fullwood being of sound mind & memorydo make ordain & constitute this my last Will and Testament inmanner following that is to say In primis I give and bequeath unto mySon James C. Fullwood my Negro Wench named Rachael at my Decease alsoall my Stock of Cattle except two Heifers, which said two Heifers Iwill to my Son John Fullwoods two Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth AnnFullwood also I will to said Sarah Fullwood my Bed & Furniture,also I will to my Grandson George Elias Fullwood the Neat proceeds ofmy Stock of Hogs also my will is that my Negro Wench named Rose besold to the best advantage as my Executor may think proper & theMonies thence arising except some legacies here after mentioned. tobe divided as follows viz, one half to my Daughter Elizabeth McElveen& the other half to John Fullwoods three Children whose names arementioned above, Also I will to my Daughter Mary Brown the Sum ofTwelve Dollars & to my Sons William & Robert Fullwood &to my Daughter Ann Fogle I will the Sum of One Dollar each which saidlast mentioned four Legacies are to be discharged out of the moneyarising from the sale of the aforesaid Negro named Rose, Lastly Inominate ordain & Constitute my Son James Executor to this mylast Will & Testament, & should any Crop of Corn &C. beleft at my Decease my desire is that my Son James shall have thesame. - In testimony whereof I the said Sarah Fullwood have hereuntoset my hand & Seal this second day of November Anno Domini Onethousand eight hundred & fourteen.---



Sarah x Fullwood (SEAL)



Sealed & Delivered in presence of

James Lemmon

C. T. Winder


Recorded Will Book AA, page 12

Recorded Feb 16th , 1816

Willi.m Potts Q U

Bundle 37, Pkge 8