In the Name of God Amen. I Peter Fitzpatrick of Sumpter District& State of South Carolina planter being sick & weak in bodybut of perfect Mind & Memory thanks be given unto God therefore,and calling to mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it isappointed unto all Men once to die, do therefore make and ordain thisto be my last Will and Testament.

Imprimise: First and principally I give & recommend my Soulinto the hands of Almighty God who gave it, in sure and certain hopeof the Risurrection; & my Body I commit to the Earth, to beburied in decent & Christian Burial at the discretion of myExecutors hereafter to be named. And for such worldly Goods as ithath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, bequeath& dispose in the following manner & form; That is to sayfirst, I give & desire that all my lawful Debts be paid.

Item. I give & bequeath unto Agnef(s)s my well beloved Wifethe whole of the plantation or Tract of Land whereon I now livecontaining one hundred and eighty Acres: Together with a Negro Wenchnamed Cate, & a negro Fellow named Farmer; Also six Cows &Calves, or six Cows big with Calf; also a Mare called Fly and fourtwo year old Stears, or Heifers; the Cattle to be of her ownchoosing out of my Stock; Also six Sows & Pigs or six Sows bigwith Pig; with ten two year old Barrows, & Ten year old Hogs, ofher choice of my Stock of Hogs: Also six Ewes & Lambs, or anequivolent of other Sheep, with a sufficient quantity of Corn &Fodder for the use of her Stock one Year: Also one hundred Bushelsof Corn, one Grind Stone, & one hand Mill: Also all my Beds bedSteads, & Furniture: Also her choice of my two Carts: AlsoBarshear, & one Fluke Plow; of her choice of my plows; Also herchoice of my large Pots, one breakfast Pot, & one dinner Pot; Also my Household, Kitchen & Dary Furniture: (except the Pots notbefore mentioned,) Also one pitching Ax, one Grub Hoe, two broadHoes, & one hand Saw. Also my Loom with its Appurtenances: Alsoall my Stands & Barrels, her choice of my Saddles & Briddles: Also her choice of my cart Saddles, Tracces & Plow Bridles.

Item. I give & bequeathe unto Peter Fitzpatrick (son of ManoahFitzpatrick) a Negro Girl named Mary, to be & remain in the care&, possession of Agness Fitzpatrick until said Peter Fitzpatrickshall arrive to the Age of twenty one Years, & then to be givenup to the use & disposal of the aforenamed Peter Fitzpatrick.

Item. I give & bequeath unto Patrick Ratcliff McCoy fiftyPounds to be Paid out of my Estate, and the same to be lent out atInterest untill Said Patrick Ratcliff McCoy shall arrive to the Ageof twenty one Years & then to be given up to him with theIntererest for his own Use &, Purpose.

Item. I will & desire that a certain Tract of Land conveyedto me by Robert Fullwood containing five hundred Acres bounded N.W.N.E. & N.W. on Robert Fullwoods Land S.E & S.W. on PlayersLand S.E. on Peter Patricks Land; be divided by a Line beginning at alightwood Stake or Corner, & running diagonally to the Cornernext to Players Land, & Sold in two Lots.

Item. I will & desire that all my Extate not beforementioned, both real & Personal be sold in convenient Lots tosuit Purchasers & for the good of my Heirs hereafter mentioned(to wit) the Money arrising from the State to be equally dividedamong Monoah Fitzpatrick, Penelope McColaster, Ann Fitzpatrick,Annah Fitzpatrick, Mary Fitzpatrick & Sarah Adams.

Item. I will & desire that if my decease should happen in theSpring or Summer Season that my Extate remain undivided untill thethe present or insuing Crop be finished & as many as possible ofmy Hogs fatted & Sold to the best Advantage & the Moneyarising from the Sale thereof applied as above directed. Lastly Imake & ordain John Frierson, Charles Story & Thomas ChandlerSenr. All of said District & State Sole Executors opf this mylast Will and Testament, hereby revoking, disannulling & makingvoid all other Will or Wills, Bequest or Bequests by me in any wiseheretofore made declaring this & this only, to be my last Will& Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand& Seal this ninth day of March Domini one thousand eight hundred& three

Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced & declared to be thelast Will & Testament

of the Testator in the presence of

Thomas Rofe his

N. Graham Peter X Fitzpatrick (SEAL)

Wm P. McKay mark

Recorded Will Book A. Page 26.

Recorded may 9, 1803

Wm Taylor, Ordinary

Bundle 37 -Package 6.