In the Name of God Amen, This the fourteenth dayof June one Thousand Eight hundred and twenty five, I John Dow ofSumter District South Carolina being weak of Body, but of perfectstrength of Mind and Memory, Blefsed be God for this indulgentgodnefs to Me, knowing the uncertainty of all things, Do Makeconstitute and ordain this My last Will and Testament. First andprincipally I tender My immortal Soul to God who gave it, stedfastlytrusting in his Mercy, & as Touching My worldly goods wherewithit has been pleased God to endow Me with, I do give bequeath, anddispose of in the following manner and form, I wish & direct thatthe carriage Belonging to the Estate of My late Aunt Dorcas Dow &a good pair of horses shall be purchased by My Executor for the soleuse & property of Mrs. Susanna Boyd- the wife of My kind goodfriend Doctor John Boyd-&-I will and direct that all my Booksshall be as soon as pofsible after My Death Be delivered by Myexecutor to My Good and faithful friend, Doctor John Boyd, as a smallmemorial of the high regard & Esteem I have for him- I will andDirect that three hundred Dollars shall be and remain in the hands ofMy Friend John Peter Richardson for the support and Benefit of acertain Negro woman named Maria Belonging to the Estate of Robert DowDec-d for her good and faithful service to Me during My presentIllnefs . and I will and Direct that my Executor shall give out of MyEstate thirty Dollars to a certain Negro Man Named Ben Belonging tothe Estate of My late uncle Robert Dow, for and in concidiration ofhis kind and faithful service on Me during my present Illnefs and atall other times- and I also will and direct that fifty Dollars worthof stock Cattle shall be purchased by my Executor for the use of aCertain Negro woman named Penelope Now belonging to the Estate ofRobert Dow- & always to be under the care & Direction of MyExecutor, and lastly It is my will & desire that the rest andResidue of My Estate shall be paid over to my Beloved Brother JamesDow or his heirs forever, and Lastly I do hereby Constitute andappoint My good friend John Peter Richardson My Executor of this Mylast will and Testament utterly revoking and disannuling all otherwills or Testaments, & acknowledging this and no other to be mylast will & Testament & to be construed in the most liberalmanner, in witnefs whereof I do hereby set My hand & Seal in thepresence of


Henry Dennis John Dow(SEAL)

Thomas Mcdonield

Charles Richardson


Recorded Will Book M, page 1

Recorded Feb. 6th , 1837

William Lewis - Ordy S.D.

Bundle 30, Pkge 5.