In the name of God Amen. This is the fourth day ofNovember in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred andeleven, I James Davis of Sumter District in the State of SouthCarolina, being of perfect Strength of Body, mind and memory, Domake, constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament. Firstand principally I tender and recommend my immortal Soul to God whogave it, Steadfastly trusting in his mercy, & the intercefsion ofJesus Christ for everlasting life And as touching my worldly goods,wherewith it hath pleased God of his infinite goodnefs and mercy toendow me in this life, I do give, bequeath, and dispose of in thefollowing manner and form. Imprimis, I give, bequeath and devise tomy beloved grand children William James Matthews and Sarah Mathewsthe following named negroes Viz. Nelly, Hannah Cinda & Dick withtheir future ifsue and increase. Item, I give, bequeath and deviseto my beloved grand children Susanna Mouzon and Rebecca Mouzon tothem & their heirs in equal proportion the following namednegroes Viz. Will, Dinah & her children, Celinda, Nancy &Lucy, and Charlotte and her three children, Clarifsa, Betty and Lucywith their future ifsue and increase. Item, I give, bequeath anddevise to my aforesaid grand children, William James Mathews, SarahMathews, Susanna Mouzon and Rebecca Mouzon Three Tracts or Plantationof land containing in the whole four thousand three hundred and fortyfour acres of Land, granted to myself, and situate lying and being inClarendon County, Sumter District on deep Creek the waters BellRiver; and that William James Mathews, and Sarah Mathews shall havethe South moiety; and Susanna Mouzon and Rebecca Mouzon to have thenorth moiety; and to be equally divided between the four, share andshare alike. But if either of my grand children should die, beforethey arrive to the age of twenty-one years, or without lawfull ifsueor unmarried, then the property of such so dying, I will and directshall be equally divided amont the Survivors of them; and in case ofthe decease of the whole of them leaving no ifsue lawfully begotten,then I will and bequeath the whole of the property real &personal to my beloved son John Gamble Davis & his Heirs forever.Item, I will and direct that my Stock of Cattle, Horses &household furniture be disposed of by my Executors immediately aftermy decease, and that they do pay all my just debts with everypofsible means from the proceeds of my Estate. Item. I give anddevise to my two mulattoe boys who were indentured to me, a yearsSchooling to each, and a Suit of cloathes when they arrive to the ageof twenty-one years. Item, I give, bequeath and devise to my belovedSon John Gamble Davis & to his heirs forever, the rest andresidue of my Estate both real and personal of whatsoever nature orkind it may consist not herein before disposed of when he shallarrive to the age of twenty-one years. but if he should die before heshall arrive to the aforesaid age & leave no ifsue lawfullybegotten, then I give and bequeath all that property to my four grandchildren herein before mentioned and in case of their decease leavingno ifsue lawfully begotten, I give the said property to the childrenof my deceased brother Benjamin Davis, share and share alike in equalproportion to such as may then be living.--Lastly, I do herebynominate constitute and appoint my beloved son John Gamble Davis, andmy friends Charles Richardson, James Carson & James B. RichardsonExecutors to this my last Will & testament, utterly revoking,disavowing & disallowing all other will or wills, testament orTestaments, and acknowledging this and no other to be my last will& Testament, contained on these three pages of paper, and to beconstrued in the liberal and literal sence and meaning. In witnefswhereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & yearfirst above written.---

Signed, Sealed, acknowledged, pronounced anddeclared to be my Will & testament

J Davis (SEAL)


In the presence of.---

Ann C. Richardson

Rich.d Moore

Era.s Spring


Recorded in Will Book AA, page 68

Recorded January 13th 1818

William Potts ord S. D.

Bundle 28, Pkge 1