In the name of God Amen I Tebitha Daniel of SumterDistrict state of South Carolina widow am in reasonable health inbody and in perfect mind & memory thanks be given unto God,therefore and calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowingit is appointed unto all men once to die do therefore make &ordain this to be my last will & Testament. Inprimia, first &Principally I give & recommend my soul into the hands of almightyGod who gave it in sure & certain hope of the resurrection &my Body I commit to the earth to be buried in a decent &Christian Burial at the discretion of my executors hereafter namedand for such worldly goods as I am blest with I give and bequeath& dispose of in the following manner and form that is tosay...........Item first I give & bequeath unto my son EligahDannel the whole of my land or plantation where I now live containingone hundred acres more or less all the house & kitchen furniture& also all my bed and bed clothesÉ Item) 2 I give unto my sonJohn Donnel two cows and calve & the balance to Eligah Donnellsof my cattle let them be more or lessÉItem) I give and bequeath untomy son-in-law two children Blake Robertson Tempa Buttan fiveshillings. Item, I give and bequeath unto Jesse James Donal mygrand-son five shillings.. Item) I give and bequeath unto my sonStephen Donnel five shillings.. Item I give & bequeath unto myson Simon Donnel five shillings to be paid unto my sons & grandchildren after my deathÉ Item) It is my will & desire that allthe rest or balance of my estate consisting of Negroes Male &female and every thing else not above mentioned be equally dividedamongst or between my 5 children that is to say William Donnel ,JohnMcKoy ,Thomas Brown, John Donnel, & Eligah DonnelÉ..I make andordain William Donnel & John Donnel Sole Executors of this mylast will & Testament hereby revoking disonulling & makenvoid all other wills or wills bequeath or bequeaths by me in any wisehereto fore made claiming this & this only to be my last will& TestamentÉ.In witness whereof I have herein to set my hand& seal this Twenty ninth day of December one thousand Eighthundred & fourteen. Signed sealed published pronounced declaredto be the last will & Testament of the testator in the presentsof............... John Frierson her Tebitha X Donnel (SEAL) JohnSimmon Mark ( Recorded in will book AA Pge 81) James Lemmon Recorded7th day of Nov. 1817 Wiliam Potts Ordy