State of South Carolina)

Sumter District)


In the name of God Amen. I, Margaret Reily Conyers of the Districtand State aforesaid, Sick and Weak in Body but of perfect Mind Memoryand Understanding, do make and ordain this my--Last Will andTestament in the following manner viz--- In premise my will anddesire is that my Bed. and Furniture and Trunks and my wearingapparel to be left to the disposal of my beloved Mother, SarahPendergrafs my will and desire likewise is that my servant Isaacshould be left with my beloved Mother above named during the minorityof My Beloved Son John James Pendergrafs Conyers and in case of theDeath of my said Son above named before he arrives to The year oftwenty one I then leave the said servant Isaac to My beloved MotherMother forever, my horse I leave to my beloved Father SamlPendergrafs my Riding Chair I leave to my Brother Saml Pendergrafs.Unto my brother Benjn Robert Pendergrafs, I leave three hundredDollars To my sister Adelia Almira Pendergrafs I leave three HundredDollars to my sister Cecilia Warburton Pendergrafs I leave threeHundred Dollars----To my sister Sarah Ann Pendergrafs I leave oneHundred.----Dollars My small Library I wish to be kept for the use ofmy Son the remainder of my Estate I leave and bequeath to my BelovedSon John James Pendergrafs Conyers and in case of the Death of mysaid son above Named before he Should arrive to the age of Twenty oneyears I then leave my estate to my Brothers and Sisters and to thesurviving Children of My Husband John Conyers to be equally dividedbetween Them Share and Share alike and I request of my Executors thathe would hire out my

Negroes to the best advantage and the moneys arising there from_______?____________. Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute andappoint my beloved Father Executor to this my last Will andTestament.

In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand And Seal thissecond day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand EightHundred and Sixteen .

Margaret Reily Conyers (SEAL)


Signed & Sealed In the

presence of us

Morg Sabb

Wm. Dollard


(Recorded in Will Book A A Page 35)

(Sworn this 17th day of October 1816)

William Potts Q U