South Carolina
Sumter District
In the name of God Amen. I Alexander Colclough ofClarendon County District and State aforesaid, considering theuncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory domake & publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and formfollowing (that is to say): First I give and bequeath unto my belovedWife Mary Colclough all the property which she pofsefsed or wasintitled to, at the time for my Inter marriage with her or which mayhave discended or may hereafter descend to me in her right; Also, oneHorse which she may choose & a riding chair, six Cows and claves,twenty Head of Hogs which she may choose, One Bed with its Furnitureand a half of a dozen chairs to her & her Heirs for ever. Alsoone Negro wench named Lydia which it is my Will that she keep in herpofsefsion during her widowhood; It is also my Will that my said Wifedo live as long as she remains a Widow on the Plantation on which Inow reside in Case my Executors do not sell it, But if they shallsell it then upon any other of my lands which she may choose. It isalso my Will and I wish it distenctly understood that the provisionwhich I have here made for her is to be in Lieu and Bar of her rightto dower. It is further my will that in case I should hereafter havea child by my said Wife that at the age of twenty one years, it shallhave a Tract of Land and twenty Negroes of the same Value with theLand and Negroes which I have given by deed of Gift to each of mysons.
Also. I give and bequeath to my youngest son JohnAshby Colclough three Negroes which He may choose in place of oldBinah smart & Bella Negroes which I have conveyed to him by deedof Gift & it is further my will that if any of the other Negroeswhich I have conveyed to him by the said deed of Gift should diebefore He shall attain the age of twenty one years that they may bereplaced by others such as he may choose. Also I give and bequeathto my said son John Ashby Colclough the following Negroes (that is tosay) Cuffee, his wife Jane and their children: also William aCarpenter Jacob a Boy, Sylva and her children Further I give andbequeath to my said son John Ashby Colclough all my stock of Cattleand Hogs in case I should not have another child; But in case Ishould have another Child it is my will that my said Stock be equallydivided between such other child and my said son John--- Further Igive and bequeath to my said son John Ashby Colclough a dozen silvertable spoons and a dozen tea spoons, three Beds and their Furnitureand Half of my other household Furniture the other half of my saidFurniture I give to such Child as I may hereafter have and in case Ishould not have another Child I give and bequeath the said half of myFurniture to my son William A Colclough I further give to my said sonJohn Ashby Colclough a small mulatto Boy named Andrew. Lastly it ismy will that all my other Property be equally divided between my twosons William A Colclough and John Ashby Colclough & such otherChild as I may hereafter have in case I should have another childBetween them and their Heirs forever, provided that if any or eitherof my said children should die without ifsue or should their childrendie without ifsue then It is my will that the postion or postionswhich I have hereby given to such child or children shall revert tomy other children or to my right Heirs It is further my Will that myExecutors shall sell any or all of my lands at theirdiscretion---
And I do hereby constitute and appoint my sonsWilliam A Colclough and John A Colclough together with ChristopherMcConico Robert Brailsford Matthew James and Samuel E. Nelson &Colonel Evan Benbow Executors of this my last Will & Testament,hereby revoking all other wills by me made. And it is my will that myson John A Colclough shall act as my Executor at the age of nineteenyears- In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, thisfifth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundredand sixteen & in the forty first year of AmericanIndependence
Alexander Colclough (SEAL)
Signed sealed and declared by the above namedAlexander Colclough to be his last Will & testament in thepresence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnefses inthe presence of the Testator
James Haynsworth
John L Miller
_?_ Haynsworth
Recorded in Will Book AA, page 75
Recorded 7th Day of Nov 1817
William Potts Ordy
Bundle 21, Pkge 8