Will of

Richard W. Chewning


In the name of God Amen, I Richard W Chewning ofSouth Carolina, Sumter District, Planter, being Sick and Weak inbody; but of Sound, and disposing, mind, memory, and understandingpraised be God for the Same, do make, constitute, and ordain this mylast Will and testament, in manner and form following; first Irecommend my Soul to God who gave it, and request that my body beburied in decent, Christian, burial; and my Will and desire is thatall my Just debts be paid that are rendered in according to law; Item&endash; I give and devise all that my house or tenement, land, andhereditaments; with the apputenances; situate, lying and being in theDistrict of Sumter State aforesaid and now in the tenure oroccupation of myself, unto my beloved Wife Nancy Chewning of State& District aforesaid, her, heirs and afsigns forever; also Igive, devise, and bequeath, unto my Said Wife, Nancy Chewning, all myNegroes, Money, Securities for Monies, Goods, Chattels, Estate, andeffects, of what nature or kind so ever; to hold the Same unto mySaid Wife, her Executors, administrators, afsigns; my will and desireis that my Executrix and Executors, deliver unto Capt. John Singletonof District and State aforesaid when Called upon; a Certain Negro boynamed John about fifteen years of age which Said boy John is now inmy pofsefsion and has ben loaned to me for Several years past by theSaid Capt. John Singleton for the Sum of one dollar per year; And Ido hereby nominate, Constitute, and appoint my Said Wife NancyChewning Executrix; and James Singleton and Francis Spring Esquires,Executors, of this my last will and testament; hereby revoking andmaking Void all former Wills and Testaments at any time heretofore byme made; and do declare this to be my last Will and testament; InWitnefs Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, thisSeventeenth of Jun in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundredand Seventeen Eighteen.


Signed Sealed, declared and pub- ) RichardW Chewning (SEAL)

Lished by the above named Richard)

W Chewning the Testator, as, and )

For his last Will and Testament )

In the presence of us; who at his )

Request, and in his presence, have )

Subscribed our names as Witnesses.)


William Dow

Neilson Cantey

Jared N Cantey


Recorded Will Book AA, Page 335

Recorded December 3rd, 1821

William Potts, Ordy S.D.

Bundle 20 - Package 7.


NB before Signing the word., Eightenn, in thetwent third line from the top was incerted and the word, Seventeen,in the same line was erased - -